Demonic- distortion


New Metal Member
Apr 24, 2004
Mumbai, India
If you own a copy of Demonic, have you noticed the heavy distortion on every track? Bass seems heavily blown out of proportion, the guitars are not clear, you hear the buzz and scratches. The same problem was there with Sepultura's Against.
Well, there were three 'underground' albums I bought on tape, including this one-
  • Sepultura- Against- Excess base, weak, muffled cymbals. Recorded on Roadrunner's Indian connection, Music India
  • Judas Priest- Demolition- One side keeps cracking up at regular intervals- it happened on first play. This was on a Tips tape
  • Testament- Demonic- Heavy bass again.
These are recorded on Indian tapes, such as Tips and Music Today, so there may just be quality issues regarding the tape, but loud bass is something odd. Then again, some albums are not recorded properly at first go, such as Iron Maiden's X factor or the Real Live Dead stuff, and that's a problem with most underground recordings.
sounds like you have bootleg copies.
get hold of the official releases on CD and demonic will sound crisp as heavy as hell!

amazon should ship to india!!