Dio Dead.


Message from Wendy Dio

Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am 16th May. Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes before he peacefully passed away. Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all. We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us. Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this terrible loss. Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever.

- Wendy Dio

A legend, truly. Time for another glass of whisky and some Don't talk to strangers.

A legend, truly. Time for another glass of whisky and some Don't talk to strangers.

Ah, never mind. :erk:

But people were already reporting the story last night? How the hell did all of this happen? I'm more confused than usual.
Unfortunately, not a hoax...:( He had been struggling with cancer for the past six months or so. It is a sad day for metal.
Yesterday it was said that he was not doing well, so people on twitter started saying he was dead. People freaked out, then it came up that he was alive and just in bad shape. This morning he passed, so cruel hoax turned reality.

He's such an inspiration to the metal genre as a whole. I once made the bold claim that if you don't like Dio, you don't like metal period. I stand by that to this day. The man had charisma, charm and was gracious to all of his adoring fans. Wherever you are and whatever you've found, best of luck and thanks for everything brother!
/me is playing Rainbow all day now... R.I.P. <3

I'll have to do the same thing.

I feel really lucky I caught him live with H&H last year, never guessed that it would be his last tour... I was saying to my friends how he still has more energy up there than most guys half his age...

RIP \m/
I haven't listened to Dio in ages. Believe this or not I played a couple of Dio songs yesterday around 1 am. I can't believe he actually passed away hours later...

Rest in peace Ronnie.