Dirty Deeds


Dec 11, 2001
NF, Canada
An AC/DC tribute band are playing at the George St. festival on sunday night, Aug. 3rd! That's the only band I'll be going to see during the festival.
I saw them. Not bad but was kinda dissapointed that they only played for a little over 45 minutes. I was even more disapointed that they played so many newer songs and the only Bon stuff they played was Jailbreak and Bad Boy Boogie. BBG was both awesome and bad. Awesome that "Angus" did the whole striptease/moon the audience bit but bad in that they played the long version which was way way way too long. They could have fit in a couple more songs if they had cut it down a bit.

all in all though they were pretty good. Not as good as Hells Bells who were here a couple of years ago but good nonetheless..
You left out one Bon-era tune....they ended with "Dirty Deeds". They did an excellent job with that and with "Jailbreak". I too was a bit dissapointed with the majority of the tunes being newer ones. It should of at least been a 50/50 split of Bon/Brian material. Hells Bells were the better tribute band, but these guys were enjoyable. Too bad the REAL AC/DC doesn't come here, I bet they could sell out Mile One Stadium for a couple nights for them.
well AC/DC would sell out Mile one but the ticket prices will be high. for nosebleed seats in bigger arenas they charge well over $60 so the tickets for here woiuld probably need to be at least $100
Personally I would pay $200 to see them at Mile one!