Do you get pissed when you see negative comments about Firewind?


Jun 30, 2008
as the title says... well i am pissed right now that's why i made this topic...if you go and see in youtube to the ''mercenary man'' a guy called Apollo ''sissy'' they call Firewind ''posers'' and again they called Apollo an ''emo'' and another guy changed the name of the band to ''emowind''....i really mean wtf!!! i commented back and said if you don't like the band don't post and said other things aswell!!!i really think we should do something about it if we can...
so who of you are getting pissed about those comments?
to be honest my first reaction is to get pissed off... but what you've got to realise, is that in the end, all publicity is good publicity. curiosity is human nature and although that video may be advertised badly, a lot of people will watch it just to find out how bad it is. chances are some of them are going to end up liking it and becoming fans...
well still i don't think the video is THAT bad.... a video is good even if it is plain or too simple...and some of those guys won't even regret what they said....i don't like some bands too but i don't go and post b...... about them...they show no respect and that's why i am really getting pissed off!!! they even called Apollo EMO......i mean WTF!!!! i like his new haircut it makes him more cute and stuff but some of the people think that he is emo or something.... really this is rediculous.... <_<
It doesnt matter what band is being discussed, there are always people out there who get off on dissing them in front of their fans.
it DOES piss me off....but what can you do, right? people comment like that on everything, no one video is exempt from being commented badly...
you CAN'T compare the vocalists!!! every fan will say the opposite!! cuz i say that Apollo's voice is fucking awesome! he has a damn strong voice and yet his voice is clear...WAY better than Stephen's
Those comments also piss me off coz i know the guys in person and like their music and singing very much.
But you always will read these comments coz their always are 'haters' or attantion whores.
You got this with all famous/public people.
And i agree with what Katie said.
If they gonna look they can find out themselfs.

Always wonder what kind of pathetic people post those comments.
Every person got his own taste and you cant argue about taste imo if you know what i mean.
It doesnt matter what band is being discussed, there are always people out there who get off on dissing them in front of their fans.

Dont kill me for saying this but i see you are a Metallica fan.
You know how Metallica fans can diss Megadeth fans.
And you got this with loads of bands.
My point........this as example.
I don't get bothered by it AT ALL.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I love Firewind, my boyfriend loves Firewind, the majority of my friends that have heard Firewind love them and even my MUM loves them!

Each and every one of them because I've said "listen to this band and tell me what you think".

There are a few of my friends that are more into thrash and black metal that have said Firewind is 'flowery' and 'gay'. But that's their opinion!

I know that I love Firewind, and I know that they're what makes my journey to and from work entirely more bearable and listening to songs like 'Head Up High' before work ACTUALLY brightens up my day a little bit and makes me feel cheerier. I KNOW that no matter what, Firewind will always be a big part of my life (Firewind tattoo's on my body, travelling Europe to see them) and I'm glad.

People can say Apollo's emo. They can say Gus G. is a shit guitarist. But it doesn't matter because I know they are wrong. And that's all that really matters. I wouldn't be sad if I were the only person on the planet to like their music!

xx Kirsty
you CAN'T compare the vocalists!!! every fan will say the opposite!! cuz i say that Apollo's voice is fucking awesome! he has a damn strong voice and yet his voice is clear...WAY better than Stephen's

saying that makes you just as bad as the people that bag them out.

Its not just the earth shaking voice that I find is missing.. The songs that Stephen and Gus wrote together are just way better than all the others *shrugs* just my thoughts.. Im not sure just how much input fredrick had (and maybe someone on here that knows for sure could tell me) but it seemed to be enough to give Firewind that extra edge over all the other mainstream metal bands there are today..

and just to clarify what i mean...

i listen to Firewind today and think ah jeez the ideas and riffs could be there if they had some 'more firepower' in the vocal lines/lyrics.. But then I listen to Kinrick and think ah jeez the lyrics and delivery are good but they could be fuckin fantastic with some more well thought out riffs and song structure...

does that make sense? I guess Im trying to say that frederick and gus, in my opinion, made better music than they do apart.. Its a shame they are not still working together..

in closing: people can say whatever the hell they want about anything they want. get over it. most of the time they're probably just trying to get a reaction out of you, and you give them one if you get pissed off. Don't be so self righteous as to think you need to take it upon yourself to be an internet warrior and defend the honour of a band anyway.

theres my thoughts.
you CAN'T compare the vocalists!!! every fan will say the opposite!! cuz i say that Apollo's voice is fucking awesome! he has a damn strong voice and yet his voice is clear...WAY better than Stephen's


sorry but that made me laugh pretty hard... Way to bang your angry drum
i'm not using the sarcasm :) i really do agree.
this part:
in closing: people can say whatever the hell they want about anything they want. get over it. most of the time they're probably just trying to get a reaction out of you, and you give them one if you get pissed off. Don't be so self righteous as to think you need to take it upon yourself to be an internet warrior and defend the honour of a band anyway.
I was at a friend's house once and some guys were bashing on Firewind (and power metal in general) for the drums alll sounding the same and vocals sounding the same. I can accept not liking high-pitched vocals but when I brought up Gus G the guys were asking, "Can he even sweep? and "Gus G is more of a rhythm guitarist" :rolleyes:
trying to prove them wrong makes you just as bad as them. your just voicing your opinion as they theirs.. and they're just as entitled to one as you.

Althought yeah sometimes 'they' can say rather retarded things!
I know that I love Firewind, and I know that they're what makes my journey to and from work entirely more bearable and listening to songs like 'Head Up High' before work ACTUALLY brightens up my day a little bit and makes me feel cheerier. I KNOW that no matter what, Firewind will always be a big part of my life (Firewind tattoo's on my body, travelling Europe to see them) and I'm glad.

you know what, i was walking home after a night out on friday, on the verge of tears, and Head up High came on my mp3 player. while that song was on i felt better, like as hard as things were, I did just have to keep my head up high and carry on because things will get better... made me smile. and it's amazing when songs can do that! that's what i love about music, and power metal in general, it makes me happy...