Does anyone Know What video I'm talking aboot?

Nov 29, 2001
I remember watching a music video a while back and liking the song but now I can't remember who it was. This is what I can remember-

The videos about some german bloke who gets old and some kids are taunting him in a park, theres a bit where he throws his war helmet to the floor in rage and another bit where he rides off on a motorbike with some bloke from the ymca song.

The music is doomy with a really catchy tune (which I've forgotten :rolleyes: )and the song must've been out over 6 years ago.

I would be really grateful if anyone could tell me what it is?
hm, doomy and catchy?? 6 years ago?? maybe (just a MAYBE) My Dying Bride's For You?? or A Kiss to Remember?? i haven't seen the vids for those 2, but those songs came out about 6 years ago. or thier song The Cry of Mankind? all 3 are doomy and catchy