Doom - Easy metal - Discuss

I'm not a big fan of doom metal, but i'm sure the doomheads will argue that it is in fact not easy to write good doom metal!!! It's actually really hard!

That's about all the doomheads have got going for them as far as I can see. :tickled:
Not neccessarily, though technicality isn't the first priority in doom metal for sure. That's probably why it's my favorite type of metal, it emphasizes on the mood and feeling of the music, as well on the songwriting as a whole more then the technical aspects.

It's not necessarily hard on a technical level basically ... however you gotta be able to get the atmosphere and all that down.
What do you mean with easy to write. Do they just take a guitar and slam the strings? Nah, don't think so. Doom Metal is one of the most motionfilled genres and it takes a one of a kind to write riffs like
the best doom bands do. And don't forget the arangements that they often use with different orchestral instruments.

Easy to play? Yeah, you're pretty right on this one, but there are exeptions. Just because the guitar plays a straight, slow, riff it doesn't mean that there isn't other advanced things going on in the song.

It seems like you think that playing and writing is the same thing...
You're definately wrong. I think it's easier to write a good thrash riff or death metal riff than a good doom riff. in doom you have to make every note count because every note has impact. you're not hitting 12 notes in half a second, you know. and it takes time getting used to playing that fast. it's hard to feel those kinds of tempos at first. esp playing funeral doom and stuff where teh drums are sparse at best.
Well thats the way I look at it - the riffs do have to conjour a mood and each note counts because the listener expects to be taken somewhere by each note. But the same could be applied to a good death song where each note is crucial because if you start putting in notes you haven't thought about you put out an incomplete riff.

I take your points on this subject though.

What about the fact that you have less music to write because it's not as fast?
There's a certain speed where I'm at my peak. When I slow down and play doom, that's not it. It's quite difficult to have all the instruments playing tight in a doom song. Due to the slower tempo you can really here when a guitar comes in to early, or the bass is late. Speed can cover that up. And as far as writing. Everybody is good at writing different styles. I can write slower emotional stuff much better than faster songs. That's not true for everyone. Also most doom requires a good knowledge of theory. Lots of time changes, tempo changes, key switches. Good doom isn't just pounding out a few power chords. As with every style, there is good and there is bad. Good is never easy in any genre, even nu-metal.
I definitely agree with the majority of the people here. There's really nothing to be said that hasn't been said already, but I'd just like to emphasize the fact that many doom metal bands put alot of emotion into their music and although the riffs generally may be simple to play, writing them is a completely different story...
Extreme Deformity said:
Easiest to play, yes...from a technical viewpoint... easiest to write? Not at all. The emotion has to be there.

I agree, there are many technical guitar players out there, guys who can do whatever they want with the guitar, but putting emotion into it is definitely the hardest part.
FrostGiant said:
There's a certain speed where I'm at my peak. When I slow down and play doom, that's not it. It's quite difficult to have all the instruments playing tight in a doom song. Due to the slower tempo you can really here when a guitar comes in to early, or the bass is late. Speed can cover that up. And as far as writing. Everybody is good at writing different styles. I can write slower emotional stuff much better than faster songs. That's not true for everyone. Also most doom requires a good knowledge of theory. Lots of time changes, tempo changes, key switches. Good doom isn't just pounding out a few power chords. As with every style, there is good and there is bad. Good is never easy in any genre, even nu-metal.

most doom is pretty straightforward from a techincal aspect...very few time changes and such. and the super heavy shit like skepticism, they will play one riff for eternity. and it just totally rules. but some of the doomdeath stuff (esp old mdb) can get a little crazy.
Easy to write- maybe
Easy to create real doom metal- nope.

or basically:
quick answer: 'no' with an 'and'
long answer: 'yes' and a 'but'
I think that it is hard to write good doom metal, but it may very well be easy to write crappy doom metal. I, for one, find it hard to write slow, emotional, atmospheric music, but I've written several pretty good death/thrash songs. I definitely think that doom metal is much easier to play than technical death though. Having played guitar for over 10 years, I feel that I can look at it from a musician's point of view. But I still am sure than the easiest form of metal to make is nu-metal and not doom metal.:D