Dream Metal Amp. Features?


Jocke Skog
Jan 8, 2007
Stockholm - Sweden
Dudes, I've been approached by an amp builder who's thinking about building a metal amp and he's asking me and "my friends" for input. I know I have some ideas for a tube amp, to make it metal, BUT I thought that the amount of experience in tube amps for metal is huge on this forum. So here it goes:

What features would you like to have in a tube amp, if you could get ANYTHING you'd want? 12 tube gain stages? Built in flame thrower? ;)
10 band eq before AND after the preamp, and just dump the use of using a classic tonestack.
Completely separate channels.. meaning that the Clean CH doesnt use the same tubes etc. as the Rythm/Lead.
LOADS of switches allowing you to do pretty much anything with the structure within the amp without modifying it.
Built in powersoak for live performances.
Class A - A/B switch OR knob.
Maybe making the preamp AND poweramp switchable? Meaning sort of like Randall's and Egnaters MTS system.. that you could just pull them out as separate modules.

I have loads of more ideas, but im going to keep them to my self. ;)
First of all, those recessed handles on the new Laney VH100R's are fucking AWESOME, so there's a practicality thing

Another essential IMO is an FX loop (solid-state buffered and serial please, for maximum transparency) that can be bypassed via the footswitch, and also have an optional volume boost for when it's enabled (the practical application of that for me is for soloing, so I can have a delay always-on in the loop, and then kick it and the volume boost in with one step :headbang: ) Some amps have two master volumes you can switch between, and I wouldn't mind that either, but I'd prefer to have the option to have the increase automatically kick in when the loop is enabled!


Not too many mini-toggles or other options, and I especially can't stand amps that have two gain controls for one channel (VHT stuff, for example), too confusing IMO

A bias-adjusting pot accessible without removing the headshell from the chassis is always a plus

That's all that comes to mind right now!

EDIT: And wow, I pretty much disagree with everything in Notuern's post :lol: As far as tone-stack goes, If it ain't broke, don't fix it IMO, and more tubes for independent channels means more heat and more power consumption! (strain on the transformer). And the complexity of a built-in power soak feature could be forgone in favor of a half-power switch methinks :D
- raw unadulterated tone.
- MIDI compatible
- raw unadulterated tone.
- 10 Band EQ instead of the same old bass/mid/treble/presence
- raw unadulterated tone.
- Independent clean and high gain EQing
- raw unadulterated tone.
MIDI would be nice, but if omitting it would knock a few hundred off the price tag that's fine by me!
DI output
Line out with preamp gain
Built in Tube Screamer (can't be that hard) <-- this would be so key
Adjustable bias
Power soak
Separate ohm options for cabs with different ohms (ie one 8 ohm and one 16, not sure if this is even possible)
Presence knob
3 channels - clean, rhythm, lead
independent tone controls for each channel
a resonance knob in addition to the presence control
able to accept different power tubes - at least EL-34 and 6L6, but KT88's would be cool too

Oh, and this:
Not Fizzy
I'm really happy by all actual product (and we have some awesome amp builder in France like Gerard for NOS or Sydney for Plextone (my amp tech btw)) but if I can give one advice: create your own sound!!!!
All amazing and popular amps are popular for her sound...

And btw Markus, for your loop idea: isn't a really good idea imo, have you already hear a Bogner shiva with and without loop active:lol:
First of all, those recessed handles on the new Laney VH100R's are fucking AWESOME, so there's a practicality thing

Another essential IMO is an FX loop (solid-state buffered and serial please, for maximum transparency) that can be bypassed via the footswitch, and also have an optional volume boost for when it's enabled (the practical application of that for me is for soloing, so I can have a delay always-on in the loop, and then kick it and the volume boost in with one step :headbang: ) Some amps have two master volumes you can switch between, and I wouldn't mind that either, but I'd prefer to have the option to have the increase automatically kick in when the loop is enabled!


Not too many mini-toggles or other options, and I especially can't stand amps that have two gain controls for one channel (VHT stuff, for example), too confusing IMO

A bias-adjusting pot accessible without removing the headshell from the chassis is always a plus

That's all that comes to mind right now!

EDIT: And wow, I pretty much disagree with everything in Notuern's post :lol: As far as tone-stack goes, If it ain't broke, don't fix it IMO, and more tubes for independent channels means more heat and more power consumption! (strain on the transformer). And the complexity of a built-in power soak feature could be forgone in favor of a half-power switch methinks :D

I agree with the tone stack - less is definately more IMHO, I can't stand having too many options when I just want to get out there and rock out, more time thinking is less time rocking!

Also agree on the built in TS!
two totally independent gain channels (who needs ce
clean ;). one real 2203 like and a more modern voiced one. Not talking here about switching the slope or so but fully discrete preamps, a british one (2203) and a modern one(recto/5150).
definitely a footswitchable loop...with a boost like metaltastic said would be great.
230/117v compatibility. a "dim" function (footswitchable).
switchable negative feedback. and a built in load in case the speaker is diconnected.
I had an amp by a small custom builder, Mako, with a FREQ knob that was like a parametric mid sweep. Very cool feature I thought.

External bias is also handy as fuck.

MIDI is great but external switchers are always an option.

Footswitchable loop and 2nd master is always handy for solo boosts.

Other then that just make sure all the features actually work well! Transparent FX loop, silent switching with no delays etc. Sounds easy but not many amps nail it in my experience...