Dream Theater in the studio


One thing I'd really like to see on the new album is that Jordan Rudess using the Continuum more on the next album like he did in the intro to Octavarium. I'm not saying more 5 minute continuum solos, but that he should use it with the delay and reverb like he did in that part. By far my favorite thing I ever heard from him with Dream Theater.... aside from the ragtime piano solo in The Dance of Eternity. :worship:

I also think Octavarium is great. Even I Walk Beside You, which I at first couldn't stand listening to, because it sounded too much like U2 (whom I hate with all my heart and soul) but I've grown to tolerate it.
Ptah Khnemu said:
because it sounded too much like U2 (whom I hate with all my heart and soul)
Lol, check this out Ptah if you want a good laugh :lol:

I love what Jordan Rudess adds to Dream Theater. Pre-Jordan DT isn't even close to being as great as post-Jordan.
NegativeVolume said:

Congrats to them for a platinum DVD!

Surprised they're not only in the studio again, but already laying down tracks and expecting late Spring release. I wonder if it'll beat the Sym X album to shelves :loco:

haha quite possible!

anyways, I think they should make something similar to 6 degrees. That's like the only album I like from them, although some songs from others are ok.

I know they've headed in a heavier direction and I know 6 degrees had a heavy side to it, but it also had some good songs that I don't think the later two albums matched.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I'm excited to see where they go next. Really, no two DT albums are the same - where else can they go? I'm sure they'll figure something out, and that's what's great about Dream Theater.


Before 8varium I put a guess onto what direction they'd go and I was pretty close. My friends were so impressed, I got a free dinner at Cheesecake Factory :headbang:

As for the next one, I'm actually anticipating something 6DOIT-ish. Lots of experimentation in the studio, lots of incredibly layered tunes and just really thought provoking stuff. They've had a good summer to chillax, so I'm sure they're primed and ready to kick our asses again.

And as for the Sym X album, wouldn't it rock if both of these guys came out within a month of each other and they toured together? Now that'd be a trip :headbang:
I personally liked Octavarium alot, it contained some very well written songs. I kinda think another concept album is due, something along the lines of Metropolis Pt 2, but different in its own way somehow.
the speed at which they'll be releasing this kind of throws off the pattern I'd been considering. V > 6DoiT, TO > ToT, PL > 8vm (you know it will be); SX have clearly overtaken DT. there's nice comparisons there too with V and 6DoiT being concept albums and TO/ToT being heavier albums for both bands. but yeah it'll be closer by year to compare PL to whatever the new DT album is though. so maybe DT got lucky with that and could get the upperhand, though not likely!

still, new DT will be great. hopefully there will be more memorable songs than there is on 8vm.
DT are so damn fast at making stuff. Maybe they should slow down a bit and just get reaaaaly picky. I know it does make things a lot faster when you got an uber prozorz perfect pitch music guru on hand, but I guess even the great rudess could make awesomer stuff if he thought it out more...... even though improv is great, but yeh.