Drinking Games

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Does anyone here know any good drinking games(stupid question)?
If so, let me know about them. I'm not looking for games that are meant to enjoy your drink and make it last, I want games that have the soul purpose of making people DRUNK.

I'm having a great big party for the end of the summer and the only real purpose this party serves is for everyone to get real shitfaced during the summer break one last time before school starts up again.

Yes yes, so any help would be aprreciated. Thanks.
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Drunken Roulette: Playing materials roulette wheel, board, and lots and lots of beer.

Everyone gets a number, if their number is called, they have to shotgun a beer.

Repeat until everyone is drunk

Not that I've played this, I've heard of people playing this.
pot smoking games eh!

The Elevator: This takes 3 people to do. 1 person to blow the super, 1 to take it, 1 to hold the person who takes the super. Alright have the person taking it hunch over and breath in and out until their head feels light and dizzy. Then the person who blows the super, take the joint and get it in position for a super, as the taker will be hunched over, you must get low too and blow the super from below him but pointing up. Gradually, both the blower and the taker will rise as the super is being blown ok.. like an elevator. Now, the 3rd person will come from behind and hold the person who just took the super, very tightly and hopefully above the ground too (if you can). Hold the smoke in as long as possible. When they exhale, the person holding MUST gently put that person on the ground, dont fucking drop them. I have had two friends smash their faces on the concrete because of this. Anyways, you'll pass out for a few seconds, it feels like 30minutes, and it gets you fucked up, you might shake like you're having a seizure too. Kills lots of brain cells however, but lots of fun :). Sometimes it doesnt work though, just be careful and try again if the first time fails!

That is probably the most fun thing to do with weed in my experience. Cant think of any other games for weed.
my favorite drinking game is called "drink the cocktail" pour a cocktail and drink it. repeat...the best weed game is the bong game. you take bong rips. yeh.
neal said:
my favorite drinking game is called "drink the cocktail" pour a cocktail and drink it. repeat...the best weed game is the bong game. you take bong rips. yeh.
woah! slow down now! do you think you could explain the complexities of these games to me neal? please! :lol: seriously though, i would think YOU of all people would have some kickin games.....oh well.....I guess I was wrong then.-EY
My favorite drinking game is called flip, get a deck of cards, place it face down, guess either red or black, if you get it right, you drink, if you get it wrong, you drink, we somtimes call this game "Drink you Dink"

Another game we sometimes play is called shoulders, anyone else play this, the rules are pretty fucking intricate so if you want them, I while post it later.
Drinking games: Quarters (bounce a quarter into a shot glass. If you miss you can "chance" or pass to the next person. If you miss, then you drink. If you make the quarter into the glass, you can appoint another person to drink. *NOTE: The first "shot" someone makes by bouncing the quarter into the glass, that person drinks. After the first "shot" is made, drinks can be given or appointed to others each time someone makes the quarter bounce into the shot glass. Also, if someone makes 5 shots in a row, a rule can be made like "nobody can say drink, drank, or drunk," or "nobody can say anyones first name" or "toast and tap your drink before consuming.

Drinking Uno: The card game UNO, but when someone draws a card, that person has to drink the number of card drawn.

Up the river, down the river: forgot the rules but you use cards.
Here's one that will get you fucked up real fast:

You sit at a table across from each other with a cup in the middle of the table,fill the cup up with beer (or booze if you want to heave all over the place) Get a quarter and try to bounce the coin off the table and into the cup.If you get it in ,your buddy has to drink it fast and then fill the cup back up. You then get to shot again and again untill you miss

You will end up drinking a 24 in a hour or so. Just don't attemp this game if your going to be drinking Steeler

-The vomitorium janitor
Pick a word, any word you want. Simple or hard. "And" "THE", "FUCKER", "shit". Whatever. The first person to use it in normal conversation drinks! Everyone drinks, all the time! Especially if you choose a really easy word that everyone will say.

Here's a twist on that game.....For example, a friend of mine had a b-day BBQ. And the phrase for the evening was: "Happy Birthday Fran!" Guess what? If you said that phrase, you had to drink. Then you had to wear a dildo around your neck until some other poor fool came along to say, "happy birthday Fran." Jesus fucking christ! I wore a fucking dildo for about an hour. I did a Cher impression, and flipped it around like hair. I had to do something! I told the birthday girl that if she didn't get this nasty used toy off my neck, I was gonna do something drastic to her private parts. She wouldn't budge. Then I had to continually drink till someone said the magic phrase.

Then, there's name that riff. Everyone plays. No exceptions based on skill...no one gets it....so everyone drinks!
Ecstatic Youth said:
yes i want! post them when you get a chance please

Oh shit, well here goes. This is very hard to explain without showing someone, so if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them.

Shoulders is played with any number of people standing in a circle, it is a counting game that goes up to 21, you start by touching either shoulder with your oppisite hand and saying one, the person on the side of the shoulder you touched goes next, that person does the same thing in either direction and says "two" whoever was on the side of the shoulder he touched goes next and says "three". This goes on until someone fucks up, they the have to drink, Allreight here is where it gets complicated, on the numbers 7 and 17 you hold your hands out like you are carrying a football with both hands, on the number 7 the bottom hand points, on the number 17 the top hand points. On the number 10 that person saying it points to anyone and that person goes next, on the number 20 the person saying it points to anyone else and the person that is pointed at has to down his drink. This game is played with a drink in hand, any spill is a drinking offense, whenever someone fucks up they have to take a drink and then they start the game over. If you touch your hand to the shoulder it is attached to, (right hand to right shoulder) you have to drink, this is called the fag rule. DO it while looking in a mirror and you'll see why. We have some seriously fucked up times with this game.

ANother game we play is called Nails, you need a waist height stump, a hammer, and of course, nails, set how many nails as people playing, with beer in hand you toss the hamer, a standard flip is one hit to anyone elses nail, under the leg with a flip is tow, and behind the back with a flip is three, you must not touch metal or you lose your turn and drink, also if you spill your beer you drink. Do not tee up when you go to hit a nail, just go for it with an overhead swing, you miss, well you miss, the person to your right goes next. The person who has a nail left wins.
Ecstatic Youth said:
i would think YOU of all people would have some kickin games.....oh well.....I guess I was wrong then.-EY
hahaha look out for mastar reverse-psychologist! but honestly, if you want to get really faded you drink cocktails and take bong rips and you'll be way more fucked up than either one could do on their own. as long as you keep the weed ratio a little higher than the booze you shouldnt get sick AND you'll be just as blind and clumsy as youd be if you were just drinking. i highly recomend bong rips to acompany any drinking or drug ingestion situation.
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Hamilton bud
Go buy 24 king cans of Mongoose (for the non Canadians ,thats beer we have here that is 10% alcahol) shot gun 1 each every 4.5 minutes!
Then get your buddy who doesn't drink to call your parents to pick you guys up from the hospital after your stomachs have been pumped.
Troyanasy said:
Hamilton bud
Go buy 24 king cans of Mongoose (for the non Canadians ,thats beer we have here that is 10% alcahol) shot gun 1 each every 4.5 minutes!
Then get your buddy who doesn't drink to call your parents to pick you guys up from the hospital after your stomachs have been pumped.

You need a deck of cards.

Take in turns

An ace=Drink one shot
2- Drink 2
3-Drink 3

You get the idea.


The record for a deck is 3 people in 3 days. It cost a shitload but nothing came back. This is a point of pride.

Theres another version for playing for fun.
Last time that ended in drunken twister.