Driving music


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Although this part of my personality probably doesn't come out much 'round here (except with my lesbian MINI drivin' fiance :loco: ), cars are probably my second passion next to music. I spend a lot of time behind the wheel, much of it voluntary. So what are some good albums to listen to while driving. First person to mention Sammy Hagar (the Horrible) gets shot. :tickled:

Stoner / Doom
Sabbath, Kyuss, Candlemass, etc. all of these types of bands are great for driving, although this probably has more to due with the fact that much of my driving is in the lonely desert, and this music is extremely fitting for that environment.

This is my favorite stuff to listen to while driving lately, many of my trips are late at night with absolutely no destination, and that sort of fits what Swans I have heard.

death / grind
Not really a good idea because I have a tendency to drive aggressively then, but Nile, Hate Eternal, and Morbid Angel all make excellent driving music. Hazardous for the freeways or other crowded areas though, but oddly enough works great while stuck in traffic. I guess it has a caffeine effect at that point, keeps me from falling asleep while not moving for 15 minutes at a time. That and talk radio, two similar genres in a lot of ways. :D
I only have a tape player and have no tape deck at my home to record discs, so I have the recorded Cryptopsy - None So Vile in my tape deck for the last 6 months or so. It's getting extremely fucking sickening but it is good for driving people off the road.
I have two mp3cds in my car; one with black metal and one with thrash metal. Those are both great but not the best driving music, as much unholy black metal makes you feel like not bothering to turn the wheel in a sharp bend would be a great idea, and thrash metal terror brings forth the speed demon in you... Listen to Motorbreath and try not to floor the fucken pedal, I dare you.
Thrash metal terror is the shit. Not that I drive, but I like listening to thrash terror in the car anyways.

Personally, I think DM is shit to drive to. It's sporadic and you can't exactly sing/shout along, unless you're friggin Captain Caveman or Cookie Monster.

Best driving music is thrash. Ride the Lightning and Arise are two great albums for the car. Depends on the weather too. If it's bright and sunny, I'll pull out some Ramma Gay or Mercyful Fate.
Soundtrack from Bullit. Hands down just plain wicked to drive too, also the aforementioned Thrash Metal Terror comes in 2nd place.
Thrash is fun to drive to, but it makes me drive crazy. I used to drive to melodic death because it was loud but not insane, but I don't listen to much of that crap anymore.
Ya, I grew up driving to Metallica's Master of Puppets and Ride The Lightning. Incidentally, that is the during the time when I received the most traffic tickets and pulled over ALL the time. Maybe it had soemthing to do with that..hmmm..
I listen to a lot of different stuff since my commute is about an hour each way every day.

I like Graveland's later albums, and some Primordial type stuff. Kyuss, Cathedral, Grand Magus, CLutch work really well. Fear Factory is good for driving. Some Aeternus. Hypocrisy.
J. said:
I listen to a lot of different stuff since my commute is about an hour each way every day.
Gah, how can anyone stand to do that? I used to live 20 minutes away from work and hated it, now I'm 5 minutes down the street.
Although this part of my personality probably doesn't come out much 'round here (except with my lesbian MINI drivin' fiance :loco: ), cars are probably my second passion next to music.
I like to listen to "thrash metal terror" also in the car ... Exodus and Vio-lence always make me go faster. Death Metal works also .. whatever.

Coming home late night always put in some wierd trance music. Even though I don't drive drunk, the fact that I am dead tired late night ... dance/trance has some weird effect on me.

I love it though when some people just look at the MINI and go ... uhhh, what a cute car ... then I get closer and have some Decapitated blasting out of the system ... watching their expressions change is priceless.
NAD said:
Gah, how can anyone stand to do that? I used to live 20 minutes away from work and hated it, now I'm 5 minutes down the street.
I used to have a 15 minute commute. I prefer the hour. It gives me time to get in the "mode" for work, and it gives me some time to actually wake up, while listening to good music. The drive home ain't so bad either.

If it weren't for traffic, I'd be home in 30-40 minutes.

The only bad part is the gas bill.
Thrash or Thrashy Black Metal. Dissection, Nifelheim, Kreator, Watain, etc. Old Katatonia, Earthcorpse and such is good for driving late at night.
Hate Forest - Purity FEAR THE 985295 BPM DOUBLE BASS.

man, if I had one of those huge subwoofers that those "gangsta" types all have, I would totally piss off EVERYONE in town :loco:.
I listened to Exodus - Another Lesson in Violence yesterday after a particularily good day and that record makes you just run over innocent children.

For those that never heard this, this is quite possibly the best live record ever, by ANY band. Paul Baloff's in between song raps are worth it alone.