
Reaction to drugs?

  • Have tested...I like it

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • Have tested...Dont like it

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Havent tested!

    Votes: 23 53.5%

  • Total voters


Jul 6, 2001
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When I read some posts it scares me that so many seems to be positive to drugs....

I havent tried drugs in my whole life, and I will not do it in the future either...

How many have tried? and who likes it?
When I tried pot for the first and only time it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I have no desire to do drugs because of it so I guess it was good in some way :confused:
I smoke pot fairly regularly. It's totally relaxing for me.

The way I see it, I can sit at home, watch a movie, read this forum and be bored. OR I can do it stoned and at least it'll be a little fun. It allows me to concentrate on music a lot, so I can pick out imagery and sounds I wouldn't have otherwise noticed.

I've done mushrooms as well, and I thoroughly enjoy those.

Anything that grows as is, and can produce those effects shouldn't be illegal, in my books. Weed is EVERYWHERE in Halifax, and I haven't yet met someone who hasn't at least done it once; most people I know are regular users. It's barely even illegal here, and all three apartments with balconies have weed smokers, so I won't be receiving any complaints.

It's all good. The worst thing anyone ever did on weed was eat the last bag of chips.

NP: The Amen Corner
ND: Gin and Tonic
I used a lot of drugs in college..more then I care to say. I stay away from the illegal drugs now that I have a family.
For those who have said and will say they've never tried a recreational drug, I say this: you are probably wrong.

Why? Because most people have done loads of caffiene and some alcohol, and these drugs are a hell of a lot stronger than anyone gives them credit for. For example, I can smoke bud and I'm fine, but if I drink a strong coffee I get completely wired and I'm messed up for a few days afterwards. I realize that for most people coffee isn't like this, but for me personally, it is. For me, 2 cups of coffee is more buzz-inducing than a half a hit of speed, it just doesn't last as long. Some people drink 2 cups before 10am. Shit.

Also, I rarely drink. The reason why is cuz I find alcohol simply too strong and too whacked for me to handle well. It can change my personality, and I don't like that, even in small amounts like 2 drinks. My mouth is already pretty big, and anything that makes it bigger is not a good thing. Therefore, my limit is one, pretty much.

Nicotine is another very common drug that people don't classify as a drug (like caffiene and alcohol). It's a very strong drug, with effects most similar to that of cocaine. It cracks me up when I see smokers preaching the evils of mj or something, I mean, give me a break! They are stupid hypocrates.

So if you are claiming to have never experimented and you have done caffiene, alcohol, or nicotine, then I'm afraid that you are mistaken. I'm pretty drug friendly, but I personally don't touch any of these 3 (except for very moderate use of alcohol and ONLY cuz I love the taste of it so much).

I think that perhaps the question should've been directed toward illegal drugs, so as to clarify what it's actually meant by the question. So many people are going to answer no, meanwhile, they are perhaps very heavy daily drug users (like smokers or coffee/tea addicts for example).

I find it a bit of a shame that people are afraid of illegal drugs cuz when used responsibly they can really increase awareness, intelligence (philosophical/spirtual), and most obviously, the enjoyment of one's life. The problem is that all drugs are lumped together under this banner of "bad", when in fact, this is not the case. I'm not suggesting anyone go score some coke or crystal or something cuz that's just self-destructive behaviour with very little positives coming out of it, but in the case of moderate doses of weed, mdma, lsd, or mushrooms, the benefits can be more profound than anyone every dreamed possible, particularly mdma, which is like having 10 years of psychotherapy in 6 hours (I'm not exaggerating).

In short, I think society has to lose this fear of drugs and instead view them as tools which, when used appropriately and responsibly, can really increase the quality of our lives with very very little (if any) negative side effects.

Also, this war on mj is madness and has to end. We have idiots literally frying their brains with alcohol and demonstrating all the antisocial behaviour that come with that at a great detriment to society, meanwhile, in the US people's lives are destroyed by a 10 year sentence for mj possession or distribution or whatever. Give me a break. The US policy makeers have got to fucking RELAX. If they really want to help society, ban alcohol and tobacco, these drugs cause MANY many more problems and waste more tax dollars than all illegal drugs combined, even including heroine, coke, and meth (crystal/crank), the big bad ones.

I very much agree with Satori. I think the majority of ppl who think they are strongly opposed to drugs are extremely hypocritical. All that has to be done is to look at which drugs cause the most deaths around the world ... Alcohol and Nicotine. Basically end of story there, however, I think other illicit drugs have many beneficial qualities that are greatly overlooked by most ppl. As Satori said, MDMA is a very therapeutic drug and in particular LSD has been used extensively in treating psychological problems. As for marijuana, this has been used for many centuries as a medicinal drug. I think the "bad" label that illegal drugs have aquired in this age is quite unfair and is another creation of scared and closed minded ppl.
However, having said all of this, there is one rule that I stick to that always keeps me on the safer side of recreational drug use... "Control your drugs, don't let your drugs control you." Applying this has always kept me with a positive impression of drugs.

Okay, my views on this.

The only drug I use is alcohol and even that very rarely (less than ten times a year). I don't drink coffee, I don't smoke anything and I don't do other drugs, either.

I agree with Satori on the "evilness" of "legal" drugs and I tend to think cannabis is pretty harmless compared to tobacco, for example. However, I must criticize your view that drug-use (be them legal or illegal) would be positive for "normal" people. Granted, they might be good for you, or some other people, but DEFINITELY they are not good for everybody!

I know a guy, who got schitzophrenia in the seventies due to weed and alcohol. He is even worse nowadays.

I know a guy, who tried to kill his girlfriend, while he was high on cannabis (yes, only cannabis - and this guy is never aggressive otherwise!).

A friend of mine killed himself some time ago. He had smoked pot and drinked beer a lot before that. The actual reasons are of course elsewhere, but he just MIGHT have NOT done it, had he been sober that night.

I know a guy, who has used cannabis for more than two decades. Of the stories I have heard about him, he was a great guy back in eighties, very social and active in about everything. Nowadays he is an impotent, lazy wimp, who can do nothing but sit and watch TV. Note that had he used alcohol instead of cannabis, he would probably be dead by now.

My own brother has become psychologically weaker, less cabable (in every sense of the word) during the last six months. He has smoked pot approximately the same amount of time.

A "moderate" dose for someone might be TEN times too much for someone else - just like the coffee-thing to Satori.

Last but not least: EVERY DRUG-ADDICT, BACK WHEN THEY STARTED USING STUFF, THOUGHT THEY COULD CONTROL THEIR DRUG-USE. Some managed to do that, but all too many have failed.

-Villain (who would ban cigarettes and coffee, had he the power to do that)
Never have and never will try hard drugs.

Some people I know take them regularly, one guy's eyes are permanantely dilated, and he is less than mentally stable. Another guy I met yesterday was on a mix of valium (sp?) and E, and that was pretty bad, seeing the way he was acting I never want to be in that state

Another one of my friends was being bullied, so used drugs as an escape. Then he killed himself. I ask myself, would he have if he hadn't of been high? I knew him quite well and I don't think he would have...

When I'm drunk I do some really stupid stuff (which isn't that often at all - I've only been properly drunk a few times) and I hate that feeling of not being in control, so I don't think drugs and me would mix
i think i started smoking weed back in junior high school when some kid told me to try it.... so i didnt give a shit i did it.

it sure sucked a donkey's ass because i didnt get high at all.

so anyway, maybe a half year later i tried it again, wow it was nice fun

since then.... 4 years.... i have smoked maybe... 50 - 80 times..... no more then that.... but all through this time span i've had people tell me - ohhhh ohhh you think you can control it, just wait until a couple of years... you'll be doing cocaine and all kinds of shit, you'll be fucked up blah blah blah..... so its 4 years later.... im supposed to be fucked up now or something? i smoked 2 times last month, one time the month before, 2 times in the entire summer...... if thats not control, then i must be retarded... i cant stand these kids that are anti drug, and they have something against kid that smoke.... in my psychology class these fucking lamers were like "yea we can tell when someone smokes weed alot because of the way they act all day"... then i was saying "weed is a vegetable" and making a joke with my friend, becuase we're retarded like that, and then this kid says "oh yea, say that, call it a vegetable, so now you have more power" man.... i don't need that kind of shit, he thought we were making up things to make it seem to ourselves that it was ok to smoke weed, so my point is, these kids are fucking asshole lickers and i hate people that have this view on people that do some weed

now, the people that get realy fucked up brains and shit from smoking weed.... they woud have to do it alot.... for someone to fuck themselves up noticeably within 6 months means they would have to be smoking ALOT of weed....now let me add, i have this group of friends that i hang out with once in a while, and they smoke up every day. they have been doing this every day for a year + more..... they are still the same as they were when they didnt do it.... now im not saying they arent going to fuck themselves up in the long run, because if they keep doing it every day that will happen..... but i am saying, you'd have to smoke a shitload of weed, and do it every day, to noticeably fuck yourself up like that

another thing i'd like to add - the people who noticeably fuck themselves up - as long as they are just doing weed, remember they are extremely laid back, and probably very happy people. If someone is deperessed or something, its not becuase of the drug. People seem to think drugs make you depressed. The fact is that the people are already depressed, but when you are on a drug you are more open with EVERYTHING, the person would act depressed instead of hiding it. anyway, im done ranting
I don't use drugs regularly, and the only illegal drug I have ever tried is marijuana. I first smoked it about 2 years ago when I was 15. I did it about once a week for a while but just stopped altogether once I moved in with my brother away from home. It's odd, but I don't really know that many people here I would trust doing drugs with or would want to. I did smoke once while I was here and really enjoyed it because I had a very deep conversation with my friend. I have never experienced any negative effects from marijuana, except maybe a little paranoia. :) I enjoy the way it opens my mind and lets me see things in a different way and lets me express myself better. In the last year I have only smoked 3 times, and those were under different circumstances and with more responsible people than the people who first introduced me to marijuana. I have thought about trying mushrooms before. I think that would be an interesting experience. I don't ever plan to do any of the club drugs or anything in which there is little known. I used to also drink or get drunk on a regular basis. I was pretty careless though when I drank because I would always go way over my limit if I even knew my limit at all. I just quit that because I didn't like the feeling of waking up in a strange place in the mornings not knowing what I had done the night before. Like I said, I now live with my older brother. He offers me a beer or two every now and then, and that is the extent of alcohol for me. If I chose to do anything, I'd prefer marijuana over alcohol because it is so much better for me. I get really obnoxious when I am drunk. I tend to talk a lot more usually to people I don't know and touch people without knowing what I'm doing and not remembering. :p I am going to college next year. A lot of people my age are saying how it will be so "crazy" and they'll be able to party all the time. I am really not interested in that because having been through that stage I can reflect on my past and be glad that I tried alcohol and marijuana to have an understanding of how they work. I can control myself very well. I have the ability to control situations and not give in to peer pressure. So, some drugs can be very helpful and enlightening for some people or can be very dangerous for others. It all depends on what type of person you are and whether you know your limits. Just be comfortable in whatever atmosphere you choose to do drugs. It's no fun not being your usual self and having people around you don't like or in a public place where you feel that people are judging you.

A quick story...This summer a friend of mine was in the hospital, and me and another friend were staying overnight. We left the hospital for a bit to get something to eat and I had the chance to smoke with my girlfriend's older sister(I had wanted to get to know her better...we are no longer together but that's another story). So, we went and smoked some weed and got pretty high. My friend smoked less than me b/c he had to drive back. I hadn't smoked in over a year so I was less tolerant to marijuana. Time was getting away from us, and we knew we needed to head back to the hospital soon. So, we collected ourselves and went back to the hospital. As if hospitals aren't already hard to get around, we were really high and trying to find our way back to my friend's room. It was very weird walking around because everything seemed the same. All the halls and rooms looked exactly the same. We finally found the elevator which was near the security guard's booth. I noticed that he had several monitors that were of the security cameras monitoring the hallways. So, I'm sure he had a fun time watching us wander around like idiots trying to find our friend's room. Anyway, just one of the many pointless times on weed.

Sorry this was a large bundle of text.
Originally posted by LostInFog
notice the amount of people who have "tested" drugs seem to enjoy them more than those who don't. the facts are in the poll my friends.

Well, the same thing applies to, for example, religion - only the Christians are enjoying Christianity, aren't they. So your point is meaningless, IMO.

To Mikael is God: Reading your post I can safely assume that you have no problems with your drug-use. The same thing applies to most of my friends with their corresponding drug-uses (be they alcohol, weed, coffee or nicotine).


You missed one of my points: People are different. What is okay for you might be FAR TOO MUCH for someone else and vice versa. I actually know of a guy (who's dead by now, but anyway), who used amphetamin and heroin FOR SIX FUCKING YEARS (which is a statistical miracle all by itself) AND LIVED NORMAL EVERYDAY-LIFE FOR THE MOST PART OF IT!!!

Some things just don't fit everybody. And we must help those who themselves can't find what is good for them.

Tried weed a few times and can honestly say that it didn't do anything for me. I consume too much beer and junk food anyway, so that's enough for my body to handle. Not saying that weed is bad or anything (if you like it go for your life), it's just not my thing. Those sort of drugs I don't really have a problem with. The really hard shit like H and crack are the things that really fuck up people's lives.
I have tried mj and at the time it didn't have any effect on me whatsoever. I think one day I will try it again, most of my friends are either completely against it or have used it extensively in their youth and have not really made contact again for quite some time.

Nicotine gives me an immediate and strong effect, but I really do not like cigarettes a whole lot and I don't smoke all that often.

Caffiene I seem to have quite a tolerance to, I love drinking big long espressos, maybe a little to much. It has never really given me a great buzz or anything just habitual like after a meal or something. Although there are times when I have used ridiculus amounts of espresso mixed with scotch or something as a primer for a big night.

That brings me onto alcohol which I have extensive experience with as almost 95% of Australian social activites revolve around binge drinking. I like alcohol and know its effects well, although that doesn't mean that occaisonally I haven't lost control...not to any really regrettable end.

I have no problems whatsoever with things like hallucinogenics, maybe one day I will try these out, but narcotics I too consider dangerous...too much rapid self destruction, not like alcohol and nicotine which are slow and lingering instead. :)
Caffiene makes me kinda drowsy, actually. I'm not a coffee-drinker, but I've occaisionally had a cup or two in situations where I require a stimulant to wake me up, but it always backfires. Since caffiene is in soft drinks and chocolate and enough other things, I think I'm pretty desensitized to it.

Nicotine makes me dizzy and nautious.

I've smoked pot a few times (although not in a couple years now...) and didn't stop for any specific reason, other than that doing so with the people I was doing it at the time ceased to be as much fun as it was the first few times, and I lost interest in the experience. However, I don't oppose it and I'm sure circumstances will arise where I'll smoke up again sometime.

As for alcohol, I drink semi-regularly simply because I enjoy the taste of several beverages (primarily Carolans Irish Cream), and sometimes I'll have a drink at night before I go to bed (a couple of glasses of red wine, I tend to find, work GREAT for this). I go out drinking with friends from time to time, but I'm usually driving, so I go with the "have a couple drinks at the very beginning of the night so that by the end I'm okay to drive" plan. Shit, I haven't got utterly plastered in almost a year now...