DT at Wacken 2003?

There's a good chance I am going. :D

@xpet: How soon do you reckon the tickets will be sold out, if they will? Does Wacken usualyl sell out? I'm just wandering by when it's good to purchase a ticket...
oh, there you are talking. The truth is that they tell every year the festival will be limited, but in fact it never was. It just gets bigger and bigger and more commercial every year.
But somewhere (at the Wacken board, which seems to be my home, as you might know :D ) one of the orga guys said they expect to be sold out in April or May.
Dunno if that is true, but if you really wanna go I´d suggest to get your ticket before April ;)
Originally posted by xpet
hmm... depends on your taste :rolleyes:
A lot of people were complaining last year, and at least it was fucking expensive :rolleyes:
But we can have some tasty beer at the campgrounds :) :D
Aaaah. Can one bring their own drinks? Or how are the drinking rules?