Dudes Need Your Brutal Critique

The only advice I could give you is that critiques are always useless.

That was pleasant, I liked it, but for me it's just too common.

You would be a band that I would listen to a CD that I downloaded times to times, but I don't think I would buy that - not because its not good, but because for me it just sounds like other bands, nothing new to the sauce (at least nothing perceptible for me but maybe it is for you).

PS: Artwork is kind of cool.
totally man I understand where your coming from! We have two more songs we are posting soon that are different flavour... But Thanks none the less!

Probably not what i'd normally listen to, but everything looks/sounds really professional... Guitar and vocals sound great as OvSeth said.
It's a good band in my opinion, but to me, judging from "The Weeds Will Prosper" it's like a Zonaria clone with tones of Hypocrisy, Necrophagist and Arch Enemy thrown in. I agree with Kevin in that they are very generic. I like it, but again there's a lot of bands like this so I could find myself forgetting about you pretty quickly. Your band is tight though. I don't really see any room for improvement to be honest. Just need to take the great shit you got and find a good spark of unique sound and you'll go far.
Pђoenix;7389691 said:
Very cool style, extremely similar to The Absence. Great mix, great sound, great job!

My exact thought. Sounds like The Absence.

Good stuff, not something I would really get into though.
That is great, it's a lot above the average of the bands in that genre, I am very interested of hearing more of your music, I'd definately get into your music and consider buying it, if I ever had real money. :)

I'm sure your band will get bigger, and I'm curious to know how big and how soon.
Pђoenix;7389691 said:
Very cool style, extremely similar to The Absence. Great mix, great sound, great job!

:lol: I WAS FUKKEN GOING TO SAY THE ABSENCE TOO LOL!!! I'm serious, it came into my head but then I went in a different direction because I only recently became aware of The Absence (thanks to a bulletin from Kalmah on myspace)... :lol:
Check out Zonaria and The Absence... maybe even Compos Mentis if you liked that song.

Yeah, I'll give them a listen.
Edit: I actually like Allagaeon better than Zonaria or The Absence :lol:. Allagaeon have more of a 'groove'(right word?) to them which i like.
I very much enjoyed the songs, however, as people have already said: I can't help but feel I've heard this stuff before.

Still, definately good stuff.
I dig it. As I haven't heard the bands that Joe or the other guys mentioned I wouldn't really know how generic it sounds. Not that it's bad. The band is tight as fuck and the production is really great. Plus I really love Meshuggah and Pantera and this kinda had a groove feel to it. And syncopation!