Elitist Records folds ???

Ellestin said:
That sucks big time... If tomorrow Code666 goes broke, the scene's fucked.

Wait, Code666 is broke :loco:

code has been very quiet for the last 6 months also ...

Ellestin, aren't you in a band on one of those labes? ... why am I thinking you are? :erk:
lurch70 said:
code has been very quiet for the last 6 months also ...
They did release Theatre des Vampires' full-length though. I'd worry more about that...

lurch70 said:
Ellestin, aren't you in a band on one of those labes? ... why am I thinking you are? :erk:
Probably because I used to hang out on the Code666 forum before I joined thee RC bruthahood.
Nah, I'm in no band, I can't handle anything really except the trumpet,and what good would that do me...

That sucks, especially since they had a great track record right through their now final release (Ephel Duath...new one is killer) and the bands on the roster are now in limbo...I'm wondering how the upcoming Wolverine album will be affected...
if you look on Earache's site most of the Elitist artists are now directly under the Earache banner ...

however no official announcement has been made on all this yet.

regardless ... you go kick some ass Lee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we need to bring Negura to world domination status ... fuck yeh ... I am wasted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jimbobhickville said:
Wait a sec, wasn't Ephel Duath on Elitist? Did their new one come out before the fold or no?

yes ... this is correct

if you go to Earache.com and click on the top left of screen ... ARTIST ... the Elitist sublabel has dissapeared ... some of the artists on it seem to be under the direct wing of Earache now.

what of the others???? not sure ...
sucks. i hate to shit like this happen. unless everything turns out for the better, in which case, hooray! good luck.
Ellestin said:
Nah, I'm in no band, I can't handle anything really except the trumpet,and what good would that do me...
well... Them Sheets will be in need of a horn section in the not so distant future, at least for recording purposes. :Spin:
JayKeeley said:
Now, got any more pics of the wife and her sis? :loco:
ummm, different dude, same question. :dopey:
I only heard about this today, can't say I'm surprised given mr pearsons rep,
seems like some bands have been shit on in the process
I don't think Lee will mind me quoting him from another forum, if hedoes then....bah

have you heard the new !TOOH! album?


Well, it's now likely that you won't..

:::deep breath:::

Earache, or more specifically Digby Pearson, appears to have deleted the title from their catalogue. There are very few mentions to this album on the Earache website, it's not for sale on the Euro mail order anymore and the press guys appear to have been told not to bother.

Why? That's a very good question.

First off, the band split primarily due to arguments about money. Earache didn't pay their recording advance until AFTER the album was actually released, leading to the band initially having to pay out of their own pockets to get the studio off their backs. This is despite a clause in the contract saying that the advance would be paid upon receipt of the Master (yeah, right... this never happened once in three years...). These are guys from the Czech Republic earning about $600 a month, so having to find $3000 to pay a studio must have been a lot of fun.

Next we had the artwork. The band sent limited artwork, and it was then sent to an outside guy to put it all together. He actually changed it 95%, but it was all approved by the band so that was cool. Unfortunately Earache didn't pay the art guy. The art guy called me personally, said he was about to turn up at Earache's offices with a bat unless he got his money since his phone calls and emails were being ignored for weeks. I offered to pay him from my own pocket to help him out and to smooth things over. I would then invoice Earache myself and (inevitably) wait.

This was in August and I still haven't been paid (about $600). At first I was told this was because the art guy had not signed a copyright sign-off form. I argued (correctly) that this minor inconvenience hadn't actually stopped Earache from releasing the CD, but this fell on deaf ears. After six months of frustration about this and other shit (Don't get me started on the Farmakon and Wolverine fiascos... ) that lead to me having no choice but to end Elitist, I threatened to take this invoice to a small-claims court to get it settled. I'll point out now that Digby does not answer emails or pick up the telephone if there's a problem, making this whole exercise 2000% more frustrating than it already is. Everything has to go via a staff member in both directions, and these guys cannot do a thing without Digby's say-so. It's a very weird situation, since there's a lot of very experienced and very good people working there, but their hands are tied. Earache's like having a car with a great engine, only for Mr Magoo to be behind the wheel...

Anyway, after my continued persistence at trying to get my money back, I got a very bizarre thing in the mail. It was the !TOOH! contracts torn in half. No note, no explanation. I then checked out the Earache website and all traces of !TOOH! had vanished. They weren't even listed as a "Past Artist" (which, incidentally, is where the Elitist bands discovered if they were dropped or not since they weren't informed otherwise. Classy, eh?). Obviously bemused by this latest turn of events, I called the accounts guy. He informed me that Digby felt that Earache had "already spent enough money on this album, and were not going to waste any more". It was also labelled a "flop", despite the fact that it has had no advertising, limited press and it was pushed out in December when it'd be easier to sell herpes than metal CDs to chain stores with an Xmas budget to spend.

So, there you go. I'm not going to get paid and all the hard work that !TOOH! put into making such a great album has gone to waste simply because of an idiotic, unmoral, Despotic prick that doesn't care about bands or music and hasn't got the balls to confront problems directly.

This isn't about the money. I won't starve because I lost $600 (although I’m not Donald Trump either. It will be missed...), but it does hopefully show how Digby chooses to operate...

JIM lotFP posted this also on behalf of wolverine

Stefan Zell of Wolverine gave permission to post this:

"What can I say? The story about !TOOH! is pretty much identical to ours, except we did the artwork ourselves so we didn't have to pay for that. They simply didn't pay the studio for the recording which not only pissed us off but also the guys at the studio who threatened to erase the tapes. Luckily that never happened. After several months of e-mailing back and forth with the label and the studio we managed to end the relationship with Earache which was the best thing that could happen to us at that point. We ended up going to the bank, paying for the entire recording ourselves.

Luckily there's an upside to all of this and that upside is Lee Barrett. Not only did he help us through the mess with Earache in an examplary way but he has also managed to find us a new label. The contracts have been signed by the band and we are now waiting for the label to return a signed copy to us and then we'll announce everything. To say we're indebtet and thankful to Lee is an understatement. He definitely saved the band from breaking up.

Right now I just feel sorry that there are people at Earache who needs to work for a guy like their boss. Must be really frustrating with a guy who handles business like a child playing some sort of really annoying game. As an example there was something we needed to know from Earache and Lee handled the correnspondence with Digby. The whole thing was pretty urgent. He sent three mails about the matter without even a reply. After the fourth mail he got a mail back simply saying "Silence means no". I think that kind of says it all. That's how easy it was to work with Earache towards the end. I have other examples as well but I'll keep them to myself a while longer. :)

For us it worked out great in the end but I'm just sad to hear about !TOOH! and Farmakon. It kind of tells me that Mr. D.P hasn't got a heart..."

so Lee have you gone back to candlelight to A&R?