Enchant sound-alike band......


New Metal Member
Dec 5, 2003
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The thing with Enchant in general is that they sound like no one else......not even close really. They have always had a very defined sound that I can't find in any other bands I have......and I have a LOT, 1600 CDs of prog metal and prog rock.....that's a lot.

BUT, someone on another board I visit posted a message about a band that Enchant fans should listen to and like.......and I have to say this band sounds about as close to Enchant as I have EVER heard. EVER.

Their original name was Minds Eye.....and that's NOT the Mind's Eye from europe......
They now changed their name to Shadeland. I like their stuff, but it sounds SO much like Enchant, that's it's scary.......even their singer and musical style. It's nearly uncanny. I was listening to samples and I had a friend who also enjoys Enchant and he asked very quickly as I was listening to it why he had never heard THAT Enchant song.......

It's crazy......


I am not promoting these guys at all, but I do wish them well. But surely Ed or Ted or some of you Enchant guys have heard them or at least heard OF them since they are SOOOOO similar?

Anyways, what are people's thoughts on this group?

Wow...there are some similarities. But the Mighty-E still sounds better to my ears (but those Shadeland guys are pretty good)!

Hmmm, not bad, pleasant, somewhat lively...but it kinda reminds me of drinking a Bud when you really want a Guinness...Enchant has a certain intoxicating musical power that stays with you and keeps you wanting more. And the cure for an Enchant hangover is more Enchant. :D

Viadragon...reaching for another....
I listened to "25 years, endless winter and veins". Great songs! I hear a similarity to Enchant. This band has great potential. I like their style.
However the lead vocals of Shadeland are not really to my taste. There are many harmony vocals that support the lead vocals or maybe try to make them more interesting, which is good. The heavy guitarparts sound a bit messy or too distorted. I prefer Enchant's guitarsound by far. But the drums are quite cool. Only too bad they haven't got a singer like Ted Leonard. But thanks for drawing attention to them. I hope they get noticed this way. They deserve it.
Priceless Kristen :kickass:

Your rule!

Hmmm, not bad, pleasant, somewhat lively...but it kinda reminds me of drinking a Bud when you really want a Guinness...Enchant has a certain intoxicating musical power that stays with you and keeps you wanting more. And the cure for an Enchant hangover is more Enchant. :D

Viadragon...reaching for another....
hi friends! am i the only one who thinks shadeland is like (a lot of influence) Dredg? maybe something of Mutemath but more too but more of dredg. i have really enjoyed this band thanks for the information and the link.:headbang: Enchant forever!!! New disc pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!
or BOBO :kickass:


Bigger than David Hasselhoff, of course! :loco:
a lot of people know them and i try to promote enchant to everyone that i know too.

my dream is to watch their show here in South America, someday I will do this! :D

I try to post every news in the Orkut community too.

I want them to come to Australia, but really it would be a waste of there time. My one dream in life is to see them live before they retire.

PLEASE DON'T RETIRE:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship: