ESP Export Catalouge

thank you for posting this link.
I would love to have Alexi`s pink edwards guitar...but I can`t find a shop here in Germany :(
btw..did you noticed the "Alexi" guitars on page 64?
thank you for posting this link.
I would love to have Alexi`s pink edwards guitar...but I can`t find a shop here in Germany :(
btw..did you noticed the "Alexi" guitars on page 64?

No problem. I knew I wouldn't be the only one excited to see all of these wonderful instruments.

The ones on pg 64 are insane...wonder what the price is on those. The RS Dankon looks like if you bumped the top wing it would just snap right off.
No ALX ABQ in those guitars?!? And they really stopped producing the the old Alexi 600 and ESP Alexi Laiho USA series...

Yea, looks like no ABQ. Does seem that he is using his Sig PU, but with the MM-04 instead. Not sure why.

I am dying for a Roope RS-1 now. I would also LOVE the Galder Signature V if it didn't have the pentagram and 666 written on it. The flat black just looks awesome, and the inlays really got my attention.