Exhortation - "Blood of the Chosen One" (Possible RAWs if there's interest)


New Metal Member
Mar 28, 2015
Hey guys,

Just finished up the mixes for this extremely young thrash band and figured I'd share the single with you guys. There's not a ton of tuning, editing, or sample replacing here, as the band wanted a bit of a more natural, raw vibe. Any feedback I can get from you guys would be awesome! I'm also open to sharing raws if there's enough interest.

Some session notes:

- Kit was a Gretsch natural maple 5-piece with a Pork Pie 14 x 6.5 brass snare. Drums are approximately 33% natural on the close mics, 33% samples taken from the kit at the session, and 33% other miscellaneous samples (Slate 10 on kick, Paramore one-shot on snare, Chimera toms). The snare is blended a little more in favor of the session sample than the Paramore snare, as one shots tend to annoy me if used too much.
- Rhythm tone is a blend of a Splawn Nitro and Mesa Triple Rec into an Orange PPC412. Guitars on one side are a Carvin DC800 with a Crunch Lab in the bridge; the other side is a Gibson SG with Burstbuckers, I believe?
- Leads are an Orange Rockerverb into the same cab.
- Bass is DI split into the a three-track setup (clean low end, grit, and distortion)
- Vocals are Blue Blueberry, except for the spoken section, which was an SM7b.