Eyefear "THe Unseen"


Jul 13, 2005
San Jose, Ca
Eyefear's upcoming ablum is almost here...

These guys kick ass! I can't wait to get me some more Aussie ProgMetal!!:kickass:

The new title is THE UNSEEN and here is the full track listing in order -

1 - Hypnosis (intro)
2 - Illusions
3 - Bridge To The Past
4 - The Unseen
5 - Always Reasons
6 - Wasting Away (Alone)
7 - From Darkness Till Dawn
8 - Confessions
9 - A Clouded Mind
Can't wait to hear this one. This is a helluva prog metal band...World Full of Grey was full of great material. Danny is an exceptional vocalist.

WFOG was a great great album and I know The Unseen is going to be a monster. Danny's voice is so stellar how all that volume comes out of that little man is beyond me! He just plain rips!:kickass:

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I LOVE Eyefear! They are a truly great band. The new material sounds fantastic so far ..... I'm very excited for this release! I hope to see them LIVE sometime soon as well :headbang:
Danny sure does rip. He's amazing live. I've been lucky enough to catch them a few times. Also for you other Aussie prog fans, I saw Vanishing Point do a headline gig 2 weekends ago. They were really ontop of it live this time round. Last time they nearly put me to sleep, but yeah this time they ruled!
Bump for this thread. Just been listening to 'The Unseen'. Holy hell these guys have gotten good. Great production. Big recommendation here.
I've got this one fired up this morning .. digging it. The other stuff I've heard from them was okay, but wasn't able to gain my attention for very long. I'm digging this latest though ... probably will make the 'buy' list. The singer is very strong.

I puchased "The Unseen" and "World Full of Grey" over the weekend. I've come to the conclusion that Eyefear is a killer band! I don't consider myself much of a prog guy. With that said, I've come across two prog bands in 2008 that I thoroughly enjoy. They are Serenity and now Eyefear. Highest recommendation. :headbang:

I've been spinning the latest from Eyefear over the past couple of days and my conclusion is, this is godly! :worship:

Wasting Time (Alone) is one of the best and darkest ballads ever! The piano in the song reminds me of Savatage - Edge of Thorns material....again, godly! Will these guys ever be able to top this? Also, will we ever get to see Eyefear tour the states? I sure hope so.

To me, A World Full of Grey was a carbon copy of 9 Elements of Inner Vision. The singer is great, but overdoes the falsetto screams in places. But the songwriting on A World Full of Grey is terribly predictable. I swear I knew what was coming up the very first time I heard it. Jeez. Does The Unseen offer anything new?