Far Cry


Oct 1, 2002
Rumson, NJ
Anyone else have this game? if not i highly recommend getting it, its amazing. first of all, the graphics are unreal, and even on low settings (i tested it on low) they still look great. The amount of foliage in the game is incredible, it doesnt slow down my computer a bit, of all the games ive played this is the closest thing to simulate being in an actual jungle, kinda like in 'Nam. you can use your binoculars to put enemies on your radar, then for example you can go in prone position and slowly creep your way through the foliage.... then you can approach them, you can be 5 feet away and still cant see them..... its really cool when you start getting shot at, you duck into the foliage to hide, you are literally hiding, any second the enemy could appear right in front of you, its really cool. the levels are HUGE as well. the one i'm currently at has got to be the size of half a state. i'm not even half way through it (only about a third) but for the past couple of hours ive just been wandering through, exploring alternate paths and routes, its REALLY fun, theres a TON of exploring you can do in the game. And it really is WIDE open. there are so many different routes you can take to get from point a to b.... take the demo level for example, this level may have seemed to be linear to most, but if you explore you can find so much cool stuff.... for example, you start in a boat, and instead of landing on the little beach right in front of me i immediately turned and started going around the island.... i eventually made my way onto land that was pretty far from the start, and just went into the jungle.... after making my way through pure jungle and climbing a couple hills, i pretty much bypassed half of the entire level. its awesome. and the amount of routes and methods to get around the current level i'm on is amazing.

multiplayer ain't bad either. the levels are huge as well, and one level i spend most of my time on, i venture all the way to the edge, and climb a bit of mountain, and then get on a ledge which offers a nearly full view of the main part of the level, and i just sit there and snipe.... its awesome, because it takes several minutes to make your way to this point, and you are pretty much alone on this mountain.... only the players with the sharpest eyes will be able to find you (you can see a bit of lense flare from snipers).... its not UT2K4 multiplayer, but highly entertaining as well!

In short, GET THIS GAME. awesome, wide open, tactical shooting on huge jungle islands.... with an unbelievable amount of exploring. doesn't that sound awesome?
and oh yeah, if you think you have a shitty computer and dont think you can run it well AT ALL, do yourself a favor and read the "tweaking guide" at gamefaqs.com

this guy gets 60+ fps indoors and 28 (heavy battle with water and a lot of backround) - 41 (walking around in jungle) fps at 1024 * 768, with most settings on high with:

Windows XP
PIII 933mhz
384 mb RAM
128mb GeForcefx5200 video card
40gb hard drive

and he gives you a little guide on how he does it. in other words, the engine this game uses is good. damn good.
In fact, I'm a console gamer and I'm gonna wait the x-box version this fall :rolleyes:

I might give a try pretty soon tough, it's been bugging me since it's release.
I played the demo back when I had a graphics card which could support it, and once I get my new graphics card, I may consider buying the full version.
Best single player since Halo came out for the Xbox. And that comment comes from just playing the demo. The "Research" demo, however, seemed buggy. At the beginning of the level, I hid in a bush and picked off 7 guards with an MP5. I'll probably wait til it comes down in price before buying it...the only games I've bought full price in the last year were KotOR and UT2k4.
It's pretty gosh darn cool after repeated playing. I disliked it at first but it's certainly grown on me, up there with the best imo.