Fav Shredders

I like Alexi laiho, Log dudes, Matt Heafy, Kirk Hammett, BFMV dudes and occasionally Slipknot because of some of their recent solos. I also admire the downpicking speed of some punk bands like Blink-182 haha

Please be nice everyone, we all know this is an off topic thread but COB is related to music and this is about music so be cool. Its been a slow few months via COB news so this can satisfy in the mean time.

Also I notice you like Warhammer 40,000 Chaos marines from your quote :p
Also I notice you like Warhammer 40,000 Chaos marines from your quote - Yes indeed. Chaos will rule all!!!!:heh:

Alexi laiho:kickass:
Roope Latvala:worship:
John Petrucci:cry:
Chris Amott:OMG:
Norhter does some cool stuffs.
I really, really hate the term "shredder". That makes me think of guys who just play as fast as possible all the time with very little concern for musicality. Jari Moonpie, for example, has incredible chops but doesn't overuse them. I like that.
Alexi laiho
Roope Latvala
John Petrucci
Chris Amott

Jari Maenpaa, Alexi, Roope, James Malone, Paul Gilbert, Chris Amott, Michael Amott, Gus G, Corey Beaulieu (SP?), Kristian Ranta, Pekka Kokko, Antti Kokko, Dave Mustaine, Chris Broderick, Jeff Young, Yngwie Malmsteen, Oli Herbert, Adrian Smith, Michael Schenker...

I don't want to name them all.

:edit: Randy Rhoads, and Chuck Schuldiner... almost forgot. Randy's playing still amazes me to this day, such a talented musician. The solos on Mr. Crowley fucking rape.