Fav Song?


Oct 4, 2006
What's your favorite song by Quo Vadis?

Mine would have to be On The Shores Of Ithaka!!!!

and all hail Arie Itman :D
Shit - hard decision.

I'll go with Absolution. Just the atmosphere of it was awesome back when I first heard it in the car... and that's just stuck with me.

But that's followed closely by Ithaka and Legions.

My ringtone for ages now has been Silence Calls the Storm. The opening growl = best ringtone ever.
:OMG: If you guys are listing songs that aren't on the last album, then I have to get me some more Quo Vadis...

EDIT: To The Bitter End, but only just, over... every other song on the whole fucking album
"On the Shores of Ithaka" easily.

Then probably "Legions of the Betrayed" followed by "Dysgenics".
Absolutely, every fucking song is incredible. On the Shores of Ithaka has the best intro I've ever heard for a death metal song! And so does Silence Calls the Storm! Very tough choice to make, so I'll stop here. :p