Favorite Black Metal Band.


Jun 15, 2004
What's your favorite black fucking metal band.

I'm not a big fan of black metal really, but Old Man's Child fucking kick ass. Old Man's Child has Galder and Nick Barker from Dimmu but OMC is better then dimmu borgir. Also like Quo Vadis alot, check them out if you haven't heard of them, the're more technical death/thrash mixed with black metal, and it's fucking killer.

And what are some melodic black metal bands with killer guitar solos?
Quite a few are my favs, either Darkthrone, Dissection, 1349, Satyricon, Gorgoroth...I also enjoy old Dimmu a lot. Also check out the bands Orcustus(Norway), Otargos(France), Bloodstained dusk(RIP Dageth, from the US), Demoncy(US), Sargeist(Finland) for some other good ones. Some real old school ones are Sarcofago(S. America), and Von(US).

If its solos you want, hit up Dissection.
DeFy said:
What's your favorite black fucking metal band.

I'm not a big fan of black metal really, but Old Man's Child fucking kick ass. Old Man's Child has Galder and Nick Barker from Dimmu but OMC is better then dimmu borgir. Also like Quo Vadis alot, check them out if you haven't heard of them, the're more technical death/thrash mixed with black metal, and it's fucking killer.

And what are some melodic black metal bands with killer guitar solos?
Quo Vadis has nothing to do with black metal, sorry.
Absu is a black/thrash band, a kind of really speedy Slayer mixed in with blast beats and black metal growls, with some of the most amazing drumming (same guy that sings) you'll see and really good 80sy riffs

check out their best album Absu - Tara

also about Ralf's national pride, he can damn sure be proud cause Decapitated, Vader and Behemoth kick all ass ^__^
i really wanna check out 1349 though. Darkthrone always seemed really boring but if their new stuff is good i'll check it out.

and Quo Vadis isn't really black metal, but alot of black metal heads like them and i personally think Quo Vadis is fucking killer.

another melodic black metal band that rules is Catamenia. and Dissection deffentally kick ass, i knew about them already for a long time.
EagleFlyFree said:
Absu is a black/thrash band, a kind of really speedy Slayer mixed in with blast beats and black metal growls, with some of the most amazing drumming (same guy that sings) you'll see and really good 80sy riffs

check out their best album Absu - Tara

also about Ralf's national pride, he can damn sure be proud cause Decapitated, Vader and Behemoth kick all ass ^__^

Aren't those death metal bands? :p

Anyways, for me it's Dissection, Immortal, Carpathian Forest, Limbonic Art and Anaal Nathrakh these days.
I just listened to some shit, and Anaal Nathrakh just isn't my bag; like Darkthrone.
I did like 1349, though.

~ edit: Darkthrone's Ravishing Grimness is pretty cool