Favorite Bloodbath songs

Brutal Timmy

Bathe in Blood
Jan 15, 2008
Well the title.. is prty much self explanitory... Just name some of your favorite bloodbath tunes :heh:

My personal favorites are : Eaten,Bathe in Blood, and Cry my name :Shedevil:
To name a few in no order aside from The Ascension as #1:

The Ascension
Stillborn Saviour
Cancer of the Soul
Bathe in Blood
Like Fire
Cry My Name
Really hard, its all good so my favs changes all the time.
Right now i would say Soul Evisceration, Blood Vortex, Outnumbering The Day and Year Of the Cadaver Race from NMF.
Its even harder on RTC... So You Die, Trail of Insects, Death Delirium.
Death Delirium
Year of The Cadaver Race
Trail of Insects
Like Fire
Outnumbering The Day
Furnace Funeral
So You Die
The Soulcollector
Buried by the dead
Cancer of the souls
Outnumbering the Day
Like Fire
The Ascension

Kinda hard to have a top 5, They are all so damn Brutal !
like fire fucking owns.

Get ready for the next song that I did then, though with lots of outside help and super special guests! I just had the idea and wrote the lyrics, passed on vocals as I didn't like them this time when I recorded them, and had people do the music stuff. :)
Cry My Name
Stillborn Savior
Like Fire
Blood Vortex

The only song I listen too regularily from RTC is Cry My Name. Peter did a better job than Mikael in my opinion :eek: yeah that's me. The guitar tone was way better on NMF also.
....you can't even compare the guitar tones on both cuz one was emulating an old school sound and the other was steering more in an original/modern production type of album.