Favourite film...

Star Wars IV, V and VI. Arlington Road, The Searchers, Glory, Amistad, The Naked Gun (all movies), Liar Liar, Home Alone (just the first one), Where Eagles Dare, Kelly's Heroes, Matrix (the first one), Wayne's World 1 & 2, Total Recall, Terminator 1 & 2, Natural Born Killers, Airplane!, Kopps (swedish film), The Fugitive, Wrongfully Accused (parody of The Fugitive), The Animal, Gladiator and Training Day.
mmmm Christopher Walken back when he was a young hottie *purrrrr*..& Natalie Wood in her last role before her death..great flick.
Heathers, The Breakfast Club, The Fugative, Cast Away, Fight Club, Office Space, Friday. Those are all I can think of. But as everyone could have guessed, my fave of all time is Transformers: The Movie
comedy - hercules returns
drama - a clockwork orange
thriller - seven
action - predator / commando
family - shrek
hon mentions - american history x, romper stomper, major payne, john q, the jackal, i spy (this list could go forever) silence of the lambs, the boondock saints ... etc etc.