Feedback for my DM presentation front page.

Don't use animations! It'll make the page really slow and unwieldy to load - in fact, with an image that size as your splash screen, without running it through a shareware image optimiser like NetGraphics, it'll take an age to load as it is... Just some friendly advice.

Oh, and by the way, the 3rd design kills.
An animation is needed for the presentation. We have to produce and animation and our own images, edited sounds and fancy text. I can handle the sound, text and images but i have no clue what to do for the animation.

BTW, the presentation is being, er, presented in PowerPoint so i don't have to worry about filesizes and what not. So i can have a some DM instrumentals playing in the background. I'm currently going with using Cannibal Corpse' "From Skin To Liquid".
Ageless said:
Just remembered about Zyklon's Mega Razor logo. If i can find out how to animate it, it'll be poifect.

Zyklon Mega Razor

Yeah that would looks really cool spinning around or someting! \m/

Is this for college or something? I have a picture of you playing this to your class with Cannibal Corpse blasting out at them - thei faces would be amusing!

Metal Forever!
Yeah its for college. I have to do a presentation on a subject which has to include , text, sound and user created images and animations.

So far the layout is as follows:

Front Page ---> DM History ---> Genre "Family tree" (to see what it evolved from)
---> Instrument Focus ---> Bass
---> Instrument Focus ---> Guitar
---> Instrument Focus ---> Drums
---> Instrument Focus ---> Vocals ---> Lyricals Content
---> Important Bands of The past... > ... And Present
---> Styles of DM ---> Floridian
---> Styles of DM ---> New Yorkese
---> Styles of DM ---> Swedish​

Anything else i should include?

I'm planning on having Cannibal Corpse's "From Skin To Liquid" playing in the background. Its not br00tal and is a good tempo so i tihnk its probably the best song to use. If its possible i might include a video of a live song or two.
Ageless, what are you using to do these pictures/animations? And what is this presentation for, to show off the animation in your animation class or to talk about death metal in your social science class?

Also, I like the first pic too.