Finnish-American Royalty

I thought Lanterns loved Alexio_O
You know, I had to get this shit off my chest. I know for sure that he is at least a little bit more talented and a little bit less lazy than Paris "OMG I am American Royalty" Hilton. But he is still rich, lucky and ignorant. And when I see him wearing a "Compton" cap, I wonder if he knows that people in places like that do often NOT get piano and violin lesson as kids, and have to fight really hard to make it in the real world, because their parents can NOT afford to save their asses all the time. That's what I mean. Harsh, but true.
I realize you're probably drunk or stoned or both, but still, arguing is fun so let's have a it.
Imagine I don't like you. I see you have depressive tendencies as evidenced in your posts here along the years, so I start obsessing, take a trip to your hometown, and start asking around about your parents, your upbringing and your friends.
Then when I think I know enough about you, I go to your official website and present my research and judgemental conclusion about your character. I'm sure you'd be thrilled, rock star!

For one, whatever his parents are to him is his personal life and entirely not up to you to judge upon, and for two, If you hate him so much, why are you here? Venting out might feel good, but being full of hate doesn't take you anywhere in life. Honest advice: let him be and use your time and energy to grow your own person, not to grow hate towards others.

... err, even if he sings otherwise.
EagleFlyFree has a point, but I have also not expressed myself clearly enough in my initial post: The main thing that pisses me off, nay, enrages me, is this: Some magazines , like REVOLVER, present Alexi as a dramatic, troubled PRODIGY who fought for his life.
That is what I have a beef with.
I used to suffer from clinical depression, as have a lot of people. I fought hard to get over it, as have a lot of people.
It is great for him that he has his dream job *and* successfully fought his depression, no doubt. And he is a reasonably talented musician with a thing for writing catchy songs.
But when I read this "he was such a sad hurt child who fought his way to the top" shit, I might just puke. He'd shit his pants in an orphanage. He'd shit his pants in -what's written on his baseball cap- Compton. He'd run away crying after one week in a working-class neighborhood, and be TRAUMATISED about kids there not getting classical music lessons and parents not having BMWs*.
It is mosty the FAKE hard-and-streetwise thing that I have a a beef with.

*Allu said one of his fondest childhood memories was his dad's BMW.
You know, I had to get this shit off my chest. I know for sure that he is at least a little bit more talented and a little bit less lazy than Paris "OMG I am American Royalty" Hilton. But he is still rich, lucky and ignorant. And when I see him wearing a "Compton" cap, I wonder if he knows that people in places like that do often NOT get piano and violin lesson as kids, and have to fight really hard to make it in the real world, because their parents can NOT afford to save their asses all the time. That's what I mean. Harsh, but true.

I wouldn't necessarily call Alexi rich, he lives in an apartment in East Helsinki, which isn't in the best part of Finland.

I wouldn't go as far as comparing him to Paris Hilton, either. Paris was born into richness and society. Alexi worked his way up with countless hours of practicing, he didn't just sit on his ass and claim that because he comes from a rich family, he's supposed to be famous, he's not famous for who he is, but what he turned himself to be.

He fought his way up, and yes he was depressed for a time, he's only human, and allowed to have humanistic feelings like depression, but thankfully he's over it.
EagleFlyFree has a point, but I have also not expressed myself clearly enough in my initial post: The main thing that pisses me off, nay, enrages me, is this: Some magazines , like REVOLVER, present Alexi as a dramatic, troubled PRODIGY who fought for his life.
That is what I have a beef with.
I used to suffer from clinical depression, as have a lot of people. I fought hard to get over it, as have a lot of people.
It is great for him that he has his dream job *and* successfully fought his depression, no doubt. And he is a reasonably talented musician with a thing for writing catchy songs.
But when I read this "he was such a sad hurt child who fought his way to the top" shit, I might just puke. He'd shit his pants in an orphanage. He'd shit his pants in -what's written on his baseball cap- Compton. He'd run away crying after one week in a working-class neighborhood, and be TRAUMATISED about kids there not getting classical music lessons and parents not having BMWs*.
It is mosty the FAKE hard-and-streetwise thing that I have a a beef with.

*Allu said one of his fondest childhood memories was his dad's BMW.
for god's sake, fuck this shit!

lanterns, please kill yourself and become an heroine.
EagleFlyFree has a point, but I have also not expressed myself clearly enough in my initial post: The main thing that pisses me off, nay, enrages me, is this: Some magazines , like REVOLVER, present Alexi as a dramatic, troubled PRODIGY who fought for his life.
That is what I have a beef with.
I used to suffer from clinical depression, as have a lot of people. I fought hard to get over it, as have a lot of people.
It is great for him that he has his dream job *and* successfully fought his depression, no doubt. And he is a reasonably talented musician with a thing for writing catchy songs.
But when I read this "he was such a sad hurt child who fought his way to the top" shit, I might just puke. He'd shit his pants in an orphanage. He'd shit his pants in -what's written on his baseball cap- Compton. He'd run away crying after one week in a working-class neighborhood, and be TRAUMATISED about kids there not getting classical music lessons and parents not having BMWs*.
It is mosty the FAKE hard-and-streetwise thing that I have a a beef with.

*Allu said one of his fondest childhood memories was his dad's BMW.
So according to you everyone has to be raised up in a orphanage to not be spoiled brats who dont deserve a life?:lol: I really dont think alexi was a spoiled asshole. He just was as "wealthy" as an average finn is. Depression coud still kill you and i remember he said in an interview he tried to so thats really nothing to joke about and just say "meh i grew up in a damn gang hood where ppl get shot everyday" It's not his fault where he was born. And if he was rich he woudnt live in a damn apartment. Id guess it aint big either.
I realize you're probably drunk or stoned or both, but still, arguing is fun so let's have a it.
Imagine I don't like you. I see you have depressive tendencies as evidenced in your posts here along the years, so I start obsessing, take a trip to your hometown, and start asking around about your parents, your upbringing and your friends.
Then when I think I know enough about you, I go to your official website and present my research and judgemental conclusion about your character. I'm sure you'd be thrilled, rock star!

For one, whatever his parents are to him is his personal life and entirely not up to you to judge upon, and for two, If you hate him so much, why are you here? Venting out might feel good, but being full of hate doesn't take you anywhere in life. Honest advice: let him be and use your time and energy to grow your own person, not to grow hate towards others.

... err, even if he sings otherwise.

Did you just quit your job or something?
Some magazines , like REVOLVER, present Alexi as a dramatic, troubled PRODIGY who fought for his life.
Hey, its not Alexi who writes like that about himself, the others write about him like that. You cant say that Alexi thinks that he is something special just because he had depression and he got rid of it by himself. And what you said about Alexi´s childhood, well what can he do about it, if he was born in wealthy-family. Lanterns, you are talking about person that you dont really know what he is like in real-life. What we see and know, is stage-image and the interviews we watch/read.
So, your family is rich, open-minded and musical. And you happen to have a tiny little bit of musical talent. And your mom happenend to be nice enough to her little boy to write him "sick notes" so he can practise his instrument instead of going to school. Great for you.
And now, you're a fucking HERO because you dropped out of school, suffered severe depression and attempted suicide once?
Depression is a serious issue, as is self-harm.
But no one above the age of eleven will buy your bad-boy-from-the-street shit, you little upper-middle-class Kivenlahti boy.
NEWSFLASH: Thousnds of people are creative, talented and fucked up all at the same time. You were just lucky. So stop pretending you are a prodigy.



plz destroy yourself as well.

You know, I had to get this shit off my chest. I know for sure that he is at least a little bit more talented and a little bit less lazy than Paris "OMG I am American Royalty" Hilton. But he is still rich, lucky and ignorant. And when I see him wearing a "Compton" cap, I wonder if he knows that people in places like that do often NOT get piano and violin lesson as kids, and have to fight really hard to make it in the real world, because their parents can NOT afford to save their asses all the time. That's what I mean. Harsh, but true.


I used to suffer from clinical depression
