FOLGE DEM WIND - "Inhale the Sacred Poison" - REVIEWS

FOLGE DEN WIND – “ Inhale The Sacred Poison” (Code 666)

Κάτι συμβαίνει στη δεύτερη κυκλοφορία του γαλλικού συγκροτήματος, γίνεται προσπάθεια κάτι να μορφοποιηθεί και τα αποτελέσματα είναι καλά. Πέρα από το επικών τόνων black στο οποίο ειδικεύονται, σε αυτό το νέο άλμπουμ τους επιχειρούν να βεβαιώσουν πως πράττουν ό,τι ακριβώς δηλώνουν, ότι δηλαδή δεν θέτουν όρια στη δημιουργικότητα τους. Αντλούν την έμπνευσή τους από τη φύση και τις αρχαίες δοξασίες, έχουν πειστικά φωνητικά, μελωδίες επίμονες και διαθέτουν τη δέουσα εκρηκτικότητα. Ενδιαφέροντα είναι τα σημεία στα οποία ρίχνουν τους τόνους, ειδικότερα στο “Behind The Grey Veil” όπου χρησιμοποιούν πνευστά. Πρόκειται για σχήμα που έχει κατά νου να αναδείξει το προσωπικό του ύφος χωρίς να παρεκκλίνει από τις σταθερές του είδους. Φέρει χαρακτηριστικά που, αν καλλιεργηθούν, ίσως διαμορφώσουν ένα ακόμα πιο ενδιαφέρον υλικό. Δεν απευθύνονται σε μη φίλους του ιδιώματος, μπορούν όμως να κερδίσουν την καλή γνώμη όσων θέλγονται από ανάλογα ακούσματα.

Music: Folge Dem Wind: Inhale the Sacred Poison

Our Take

I don’t know how they do it, but Italian metal label Code666 always seems to find some of the best black metal bands that I haven’t heard of. They’ve exposed me to Negura Bunget and Fen among others, and now have brought France’s Folge Dem Wind to my attention. The group self released their debut album back in 2009 and are making their label debut with a new effort entitled Inhale the Sacred Poison. While it initially seems as though the group is going to be a fairly straightforward pagan black metal act there are some more experimental moments that pop up. It isn’t one of the year’s best albums but it is one worth returning to and showcases plenty of potential.

One of the first things that is noticeable about Inhale the Sacred Poison is that there is a lot of fancy guitar work. Rather than going for extremely fast paced blast beats and shrouding everything in a wall of noise Folge Dem Wind prefers to work with slower tempos and much cleaner riffs/production values. The core of their music is mid-tempo black metal that uses melodic leads to create atmosphere and they occasionally throw in some more experimental elements. The song “Behind the Grey Veil” is a perfect example of this, as it starts off with an entrancing guitar riff before transitioning over to some jazz influenced arrangements. While the rest of the album doesn’t offer this same level of genre hopping there is still some experimentation present at times and as a whole this band avoids falling into many of the black metal stereotypes. I would like to see them expand on some of the ideas showcases throughout this album, as it sometimes feels as though the instrumentals are hinting at even more avant-garde ideas but haven’t reached that point just yet.

The vocals are split between mid-range growls and extremely high pitched shrieks. Although the mid-range pitches aren’t that unusual for this style of music, the high pitched ones are some of the most extreme I’ve heard from a band of this type in awhile. They don’t appear on every song, but when they do it adds a very psychotic feel to the album. This definitely makes Folge Dem Wind a bit of an acquired taste but if you enjoy some of the more bizarre and harsh sides of this genre you will likely find this vocal combination quite appealing. And even if you’re not so sure, because the harsh shrieks aren’t on every song they act more as a way to accent the instrumentals from time to time rather than a repetitive and grating style that lasts for the entire album.

Folge Dem Wind isn’t quite at the same level as some of Code666’s elite artists but they have interesting arrangements that hint at even better things to come. Inhale the Sacred Poison combines the atmosphere and melodic nature of pagan black metal with some progressive touches and this will make listeners want to return to it. France’s black metal scene continues to dominate and while these guys aren’t at the upper echelons just yet they have the potential to get there if they keep developing their ideas.

Chris Dahlberg

January 18, 2011

Una chitarra affilatissima comincia il secondo full-lenght dei Folge Dem Wind: siamo davanti a “Inhale The Sacred Poison”, nome della prima traccia e nome del cd. Il pezzo apre bene con grida tra il growl e il demoniaco. Verso il secondo minuto i toni si attenuano e una voce effettata ci accompagna, sembra la calma prima della tempesta e infatti poco dopo il pandemonio ricomincia con voce stridula, un po’ simile a Dani Filth. Il ritmo diventa sempre più incessante, la batteria è come un treno a vapore. L’atmosfera è inquietante al punto giusto. La voce cambia molto spesso passando dal pulito al growl, dallo scream ad uno scream ancora più stridulo che ricorda il cantante dei Silencer. La canzone termina tra grida e lamenti del cantante. “Of Blood And Ether” comincia subito sfrenata, tutti gli strumenti sono sfrenati, compresa la voce. La voce del cantante, anche se fondamentalmente non è niente di originale, riesce a incutere terrore e a creare un’atmosfera triste, rabbiosa e gelida. “Behind The Grey Veil” inizia lenta, cadenzata e oscura. La canzone rimane abbastanza “soft” con picchi di velocità qua e là, la voce da semi-pulita passa allo scream, alternandosi nella traccia. “Through The Eye Of the Immortal”parte con un riff solido che accompagna la voce che si presenta tra il sofferente e il rabbioso. Il ritmo è veloce, a volte statico a volta in totale dinamicità. Da notare l’intermezzo verso il terzo minuto: suggestivo e inquietante. In “Of Reptilian Fires” svirate di basso fanno da intro alla traccia: il ritmo della batteria va a velocità mostruosa, la canzone ci ricorda un po’ i vecchi Satyricon. Intermezzi di quiete per poi passare alla tempesta non mancano mai. Il basso nella track-list si fa sentire parecchio: stavolta apre le danze alla sesta canzone: “Awakening In Unity”. Riff tosti, pesanti, ritmo serrato e voce non da meno. Purtroppo la struttura dei pezzi è molto, se non troppo, facendo sì che l’ascolto possa risultare troppo “indigesto”. “Of Primordial Whirlwind” è la canzone più breve del cd, ma forse la più riuscita: piede spinto sull’acceleratore dall’inizio alla fine. Perfetta direi. “Of Bloody Hands And Mocking Stars” ha la stessa struttura dei brani precedenti, risultando un po’ tosta da digerire. Concludendo: buone idee, troppa lunghezza delle tracce, troppa staticità nella composizione.

In some ways this is a paradoxical release: France’s Folge dem Wind celebrate animism, ritualism and primitivism, but their musical influences often seem decidedly modern. Inhale the Sacred Poison suggests several different things; from classy nature-loving blackened acts like Primordial or Altar of Plagues, to more typically savage Norse bands, as well as stranger propositions such as Solefald or occasionally Tool. Despite all this, it often manages a sense of primal grandeur which, on its stronger tracks, gives it a distinctive punch.
The title track opens the record imposingly enough, with crashing doom chords and tribalistic drumming underpinning Kilvaras’s fearsome, wounded-animal vocals. The latter in particular are extremely effective, coming on a bit like a black metal Mike Patton, as they slip from this multi-layered combination of horrific below and panicked shriek, into a hissed whisper accompanying the almost jazzy breakdown to which this livid opening temporarily gives way. At nine minutes long, this is a punishing opener, whose lumbering mid tempo riffs get their efficacy from the rumbling heaviness of the sound (the producer is Emperor and Dimmu collaborator Tom Kvalsol).
Indeed, the power of this album often relies on its ability to bludgeon you with the primal savagery of its delivery. On the one hand, thanks to the vocals in particular as well as the meatiness of the guitar tones, it is quite successful in doing this. On its stronger moments, as with the jagged, forked-lightning riffing of Of Blood and Ether, the sights, sounds and smells of a tribal life in commune with animal spirits are brought easily to mind by the band’s anguished bellow. In this sense one of the high points is the warlike introduction to Through the Eyes of the Immortal, which seems to be a paganistic aping of Diamond Head’s classic metal cliché-riff, Am I Evil.
But this approach also runs the risk of getting bogged down, and so the band wisely throw in some curveballs. Behind the Grey Veil begins as a slow and murky parade of groaning electric riffs, before winding down into a curious Solefald-like saxophone interlude. A nice idea, though it doesn’t feel well-executed enough, especially following the masterclass in saxophone-metal delivered recently by Ihsahn. Of Reptillian Fires, however, is a cleverly constructed highlight, starting with vocal death moans, and sinister clean guitar plucking juxtaposed with clunking electric bass flourishes. It is a slow-burning builder, from eerie tribal chanting culminating in a violent thrash riff and crackling lead guitar line.

At its best Inhale the Sacred Poison is a powerful and intriguing record with a cathartically primitive feel. It hints at a strong dynamic range which could really give Folge dem Wind a new dimension, but at this stage their subtler proclivities are not realised as effectively as their brutal side is.

Killing Songs: Of Blood and Ether, Of Reptillian Fires

Charles - 70/100

FOLGE DEM WIND: "Inhale the Sacred Poison"

Inhale the Sacred Poison is essentially made by the book - code666’s book. Folge dem Wind plays meandering mid-tempo black metal with a firm grip on avant-garde music, a style very common to the label’s roster, and Inhale the Sacred Poison is pretty much on the same level of quality as the others, meaning that it’s a very enjoyable piece.

There’s a lot of odd dissonance in the melodies throughout the songs that run for six minutes on average, but the band knows when to give something easier to the listener too, such as the jazzy saxophone lines in the end of ”Behind the Grey Veil” and ”Through the Eye of the Immortal” where the reciprocity of the two repetitive guitar melodies works like a charm, a definite highlight moment on the album. Vocal duties are handled well as gurgling mid-range screams, and there’s not much to complain about the production either that is neither too polished nor too raw.

But there are moments when the band seems to be stagnated (”Awakening in Unity” for instance), as if not knowing where the songs should progress into, hence marching in place a tad too long sometimes. It is to be remembered, though, that Inhale the Sacred Poison isn’t an easy album at all, so that multiple listens are required if you want anything out of this record. Perhaps I’m not fully acquainted with the album yet and only because of that find some parts of the record unmemorable - who knows.

All in all, Inhale the Sacred Poison always leaves me satisfied afterwards. Although it’s not the most consistent avant-garde black metal album out there, all the superb moments on the album - that keep getting stuck in my head - compensate enough. Inhale the Sacred Poison deserves a favorable rating and the attention of those into somewhat modern experimental black metal.
Are there plans to re-release Thus Echoes The Earth on Code666? I think it would be a great move, but then again, I'm no businessman.

at the moment there is no such plan, we started to digitally distribute it on itunes though, together with "hail the pagan age".

let's see how "inhale..." goes, if sales will be good, the re-release of the backcatalogue is possible.,11666/Folge Dem Wind - Inhale The Sacred Poison

Folge Dem Wind komt, zoals je aan die naam al kunt verwachten, uit Frankrijk. Opgericht in 1999 als Moloch, in maart 2004 verworden tot Die Wahrheit Steht Im Blut (ook al zo'n fraaie Franse naam) en uiteindelijk sinds begin 2005 is de band bekend onder de huidige naam Folge Dem Wind. Gelukkig is er geen materiaal uitgebracht onder de vorige bandnamen, en zijn er geen aardverschuivende wisselingen in bandleden geweest, dus dat kunnen we lekker overzichtelijk houden. De band begon ooit als primitieve black metal band, maar heeft in de loop der jaren wel subtielere elementen in hun muziek aangebracht. Inhale The Sacred Poison is na het debuut Thus Echoes The Earth uit 2009 het tweede volledige album van Folge Dem Wind.

Alle promopraatjes over muzikale en andere ontdekkingsreizen ten spijt wijkt Folge Dem Wind in de basis niet zo heel erg ver af van vrij standaard black metal. Ze voegen er dan wel wat andere elementen aan toe, maar die zijn op zich ook niet zo genre-vreemd. Gefluisterde passages, vertragingen en bijna-stilte kennen we eigenlijk al wel. Meteen in de lange opener tevens titeltrack worden deze trucjes allemaal al toegepast, en dat dus te midden van behoorlijk basic black metal geweld. Het volgende Of Blood And Ether is zoals nog een paar andere nummers op dit album gewoon een stevige black metal stamper. Daarna komen we met Behind The Grey Veil aan bij de meest vreemde track van dit album. De black metal op dit nummer wordt opgesierd met militaire drum-beats en commando's, cleane vocalen en zelfs een blazerssectie. Wel heel apart maar als compositie niet echt lekker uitgewerkt.

Eerlijk gezegd razen de nummers op dit album verder maar een beetje langs me heen. Ondanks wat pogingen van Folge Dem Wind om enigszins variatie in de muziek aan te brengen wil het nergens echt spannend worden. De trucjes die uitgehaald worden zijn telkens dezelfde, waardoor de nummers alsnog behoorlijk voorspelbaar worden. Vooral de tempo vertragingen en de (semi-) akoestische gitaarpartijen worden veelvuldig van stal gehaald. Er springt niet echt iets uit waardoor ik nog verrast word, het is vooral veel van hetzelfde. Ik blijf dan ook zitten met het idee dat hier meer uit te halen valt, er zijn genoeg voorbeelden van bands die hun black metal wel spannend en met meer variëteit uit weten te voeren. Daar komt ook nog bij dat een gruizige productie als deze cd in deze tijd volgens mij ook niet meer echt nodig is.

Superbo esemplare di black metal questo 'Inhale The Sacred Poison' con cui il collettivo francese si riappropria del rapporto con la natura e di antiche influenze pagane a due anni di distanza da 'Thus Echoes The Earth'. Il suono di Folge Dem Wind si � fatto pi� corposo e le parti vocali di Kilvaras riescono a tagliare con efficacia assoluta il tessuto ritmico che sorregge la title track e 'Behind The Grey Veil'. Nei complessivi sedici minuti di durata di queste due tracce si racchiude il segreto di un incedere decadente che nel futuro potrebbe assumere caratteristiche spaventose. 'Through The Eye Of The Immortal' e 'Of Bloody Hands And Mocking Stars' coincidono con altri due passaggi di rilievo supportati dalle chitarre di Aekon e Keholhan che si intrecciano in un'atmosfera di pure elogio della pre-cristianit�. Un'immaginario cosmico accompagna lo scorrere delle canzoni e quando 'Inhale The Sacred Poison' giunge al termine si rimane pervasi da una glaciale aura. Il sogno diviene realt�. L'incubo diviene rassegnazione totale.

'Inhale the Sacred Poison' second album from animist BM tribe Folge dem Wind, should be (according to the label) "a musical and poetical travel of a Soul through the ineffable, frightening and obscure visions of Worlds hidden to our human eyes".
Differently to that instead, this is rather a raw black/heavy metal set of songs in which sometimes the band tries to give a reason to the term FOLK that they've been labelled with, by adding acoustic guitar parts and some noise here and there in order to get some tribal shamanistic atmosphere.
The result is a highly dynamic set-list of songs that although have nothing to share with atmospheres/shamans at all, get noticed for its simple song writing structure, very accessible to virtually every kind of listener (they reminded me a simpler version of the last Negura Bunget).
Highlights on the long "Awakening In Unity" that can sum up all the features of 'Inhale The Sacred Poison', in which raw BM influences are very strong and where the vocals from Kilvaras make a real stand-out as in any other song of the album.
A very interesting and mature piece of non-Scandinavian influenced black metal.

Het tweede album van Folge Dem Wind staat op het punt los te breken. In principe is dit de eerste kennismaking met een potentieel groot publiek. De Franse band zit inmiddels gebeiteld bij een label en heeft de fase van “limited to 500 copies” definitief achter zich liggen. Kortom, Inhale The Sacred Poison.
Gedurfd steekt de band van wal met het titelnummer wat direct bijna tien minuten klokt op de teller. Meteen krijgt de luisteraar een bloemlezing van Folge Dem Wind anno 2011. In combinatie met een uiterst organische, maar tegelijkertijd immens professionele productie ramt de band er een typisch Franse vorm van black metal uit. Enerzijds bombastisch en chaotisch, anderzijds berekend en uitgebalanceerd. Het album valt naast de typische invloeden uit eigen land op door de Zweedse elementen uit de meer beruchte black metal-scene aldaar. Zowel zanger Kilvaras als het snarencollectief Aekon/Keolhan laten horen geïnspireerd te zijn door Niklas Kvarforth en zijn Shining. Storend? Nee, maar met momenten wellicht iets te opvallend. Een meer subtiel af te leiden inspiratiebron is te vinden in de vorm van Watain (Through the Eye of the Immortal).
Een prima schijf die met een nog iets grotere dosis originaliteit serieus jaarlijstmateriaal had kunnen worden. De band werkt soms lekker op de zenuwen (Behind The Grey Veil, inclusief desoriënterende saxofoon) en houdt de balans tussen agressie, emotie en chaos prima in evenwicht. Black metal-fans checken dit zonder twijfel.

Martijn van den Beukel
Score: 82/100

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The artwork of blue-tinted shamanic rituals and blood-soaked, bone-on-skins percussion that accompanies Folge Dem Wind’s ‘Inhale The Sacred Posion’ suggests that a potent hit of raw and transcendental black metal is to follow, though upon pressing play an unanticipated vision quickly emerges from the smoke. Reedy, Negura Bunget-esque guitars appear throughout, but beyond these intertwining roots lie buried processions of thick and sluggish, almost-sludgy riffs that frequently drag the tempo of the album down into slow-mo, post-rock chugging with their gravity.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Like most trips, ‘Inhale...’ is not light on discomfort; there are plenty of angular little melodic flourishes forever jarring and jutting their way in, whilst the spectre of Neurosis can often be found lingering just out of sight, imbuing a sense of primal dread through a mixture of slow-building, tension-filled acoustic picking and churning, lethargic riffs whose ancient, now barely-recognisable ancestors might once have resembled hardcore punk. ‘Behind the Grey Veil’ is one such lumbering beast, shedding almost all of its black metal skin but for some raw, rasped vocals in favour of dirty, rolling tectonic shifts, fuzzed-out and discordant notes left hanging in the ether and even some distinctly Von-Till-esque chanting that leads out into a suitably incongruous passage of maudlin smooth jazz complete with gently lackadaisical brass. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Such otherworldly acoustics and time-bending hooks also appear on ‘Through the Eye of the Immortal’, which starts with a portentous opening doom riff that is pure undiluted Sabbath. This quickly gives way to some creeping, arachnidan riffs and dense blasting that fluctuates urgently in momentum and bristles with menace, before morphing into a lengthy hybrid of ragged tremolos and elongated, post-rock-inspired riffing that spirals ever-outwards with languid momentum. This points to what is surely the album’s overarching musical theme; anchors of surging, slowly-unfolding riffs that build to rousing peaks, shot through with seams of raw BM, harsh screams and delirious chants, something which is nowhere more prevalent than on the album’s title track. Here massive, crashing riffs and sporadic drums in the vein of Cult of Luna work themselves into repeated frenzies over bursts of shrill and trembling melody, the momentum slowly building and the melodic riffing glowing white hot before a vicious, coldly-methodical riff falls again and again, hacking away at the song’s life-force like a masterfully-wielded ritual blade.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]‘Of Blood and Ether’ is similarly reliant upon immense, lurching rhythms, but here they feel far more morose, compressing and elongating but always plodding as they heave about to intermittent barrages of clattering drums and freezing, truncated tremolos that sit atop swathes of doleful, drawn-out melody. Other songs are much more urgent: ‘Of Primordial Whirlwind’ , bookends dirgey, slowly unravelling riffs and dissonant, jarring, Gorgoroth-like chords with passages of rabid black/thrash, whilst ‘Awaken in Unity’ is a compelling mix of gentle Spanish guitars, towering up-tempo doom, grinding BM plateaus and frenetic whirlwind riffs that could have been culled from Kreator album ‘Enemy of God’. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]A definite slow burner, ‘Inhale the Sacred Poison’ is an album which took a while to win me over, but win me over it did. The vocals perhaps fall just a little short in places, but their ambitious mix of esoteric wails, lycanthropean howls and hysterical shrieks and growls ultimately adds much by way of atmosphere, nicely complementing album’s mix of brooding, breathing riffs and labyrinthine, hi-octane blasting. A surprisingly successful cross-pollination of genres then, with a powerful kick to be savoured slowly.[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1] Ross Taylor [/SIZE][/FONT]


Vuoi vedere che la Code666 ci ha visto giusto anche questa volta? Alla fine non posso che premiare i francesi Folge Dem Wind, giunti con Inhale The Sacred Poison alla seconda prova discografica su lunga distanza. E' stato un pò di scetticismo a farla inizialmente da padrone a dire il vero, anche un secondo ascolto passava senza troppi sussulti e non rivelava il buono racchiuso nel dischetto. Ma per fortuna a partire dal terzo ho cominciato a scardinare per bene le arcigne difese piazzate dai francesi, e una volta comprese dinamiche e strutture il percorso è stato in discesa verso il completo apprezzamento. Rimane tuttavia ancora qualcosa da perfezionare per salire un altro importante gradino, un gradino che li proporrebbe come gruppo rivelazione gettando attesa istantanea per il "grosso botto". L'attesa comunque resta perchè i Folge Dem Wind sembrano eccletici quel tanto che basta per poter stupire con poche astute mosse, quindi non si può far altro che aspettare senza dimenticare quello di buono che abbiamo al momento per le mani.

Inhale The Sacred Poison vede la band misurarsi con un black metal ritualistico/pagano dalle forti tinte epiche, scomoderei quasi il termine "progressive" per far intendere la poca linearità e la ricerca di armonie mai scontate. Le chitarre sono secche ma vive, l'atmosfera che si respira è magica e i tempi sono spesso dilatati nella ricerca del risultato faticosamente voluto. La prestazione vocale è sofferta e varia, abbiamo momenti quasi disperati che si alternano con altri introspettivi e malefici. Una vasta diversità in ogni reparto quindi che avvolge lentamente e caldamente come caldo magma. L'iniziale title track è uno dei migliori manifesti sonori per rappresentare l'arte a nome Folge Dem Wind, grande interpretazione per un grande brano. La seconda Of Blood And Ether mi ha invece ricordato certo black metal austriaco, e da parte mia non potrei fare/auspicare confronto migliore. Viscerale e quasi teatrale Behind The Grey Veil mentre Through the Eye of the Immortal mette in bella mostra pura dissonanza (caratteristica che aleggia lungo tutto il disco, questo lo vorrei precisare). Le canzoni non sono di certo corte ma è bello constatare quanto in fretta passino, i Folge Dem Wind sanno come incantare ed ingannare i secondi, subdolamente fra parti "burrascose" e rituali il tempo sembra davvero volare. Of Reptilian Fires è il perfetto emblema di ciò, grande interpretazione e sentimento ma soprattutto la completa assenza della parola "scontatezza". Awakening in Unity non avrebbe sfigurato su qualche bel disco black metal epoca 95/99 mentre la breve Of Primordial Whirlwind osa qualcosa in più in termini di offesa (ma senza snaturarsi troppo) e avvolge con riffs interessanti. Il finale arriva con Of Bloody Hands and Mocking Stars, altro condensato di tutto quello che i francesi sanno fare, attacco tirato, rallentamento velenoso che termina in un grande crescendo, poi tutto si ferma in attesa di una tormentata conclusione.

I Folge Dem Wind sono particolari, diversi, sotto certi aspetti li paragonerai ai mitici Abigor sebbene le due formazioni abbiano ben poco in comune (ma qualcosina in fondo si) si sente la voglia di volere andare in territori "nuovi" e personali. Inhale The Sacred Poison potrebbe anche valere più del "misero" sette che vedete in alto, al momento il mio voto ideale sarebbe un sette e mezzo ma sono convinto che questo sia un ascolto da coltivare con pazienza aspettando il giudizio del tempo.


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] 'Inhale The Sacred Poison' non è un disco facile da assimilare. Solo dopo ripetuti ascolti si riesce ad apprezzarne l'essenza, ma lo sforzo viene ampiamente premiato. Questo perchè i transalpini Folge Dem Wind, qui al secondo album, lavorano intarsiando ritmiche e trame sonore con la consapevolezza di chi sa di stare componendo un lavoro importante che si spinge ben oltre i canoni del black metal, ma anche oltre le progressioni che i tempi moderni hanno apportato al genere. Primordiale, pagano, ritualistico, drammatico e con punte di teatralità esaltanti quanto radicali, e tanto per gradire un'esecuzione perfetta, segno che i nostri anche tecnicamente sanno dire la loro. E non potrebbe essere altrimenti dato che il disco si struttura in ampiezza lanciandosi in soluzioni melodiche e ritmiche ora intricate, ora dilatate. Una ricerca continua che sfocia in brani mai lineari, ma sorprendentemente fluidi e dall'afflato sciamanico: mai come nell'occasione la descrizione dello stile proposto nella bio pare azzeccato. Infatti, se ad un primo acchito quel animist black metal strappa qualche sorriso, una volta entrati in contatto con il mondo dei Folge Dem Wind si entra in una dimensione che giustifica a pieno la descrizione della proposta, cioè lì dove ogni cosa che ci circonda acquista spiritualità. Un contesto affascinante che pulsa, respira, che prende piede di brano in brano fino a sfiorare la rappresentazione antropologica del concetto di cui si alimenta. Un'esperienza mistica nel vero senso del termine che ancora deve smussare qualche spigolo, dopo di che si potrà davvero parlare di una band destinata a dare una svolta alla musica estrema.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Primitivi contemporanei con classe.[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]VOTO 84[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]_GUIDA AL GIUDIZIO[/FONT]

Inhale The Sacred Poison
Con Inhale The Sacred Poison i
francesi Folge Dem Wind aggiornano
in chiave avantgarde il pagan
black metal del loro primo album,
spingendosi in avanti nella propria
ricerca artistica. Pur af! dandosi
ad un sound scarno, freddo e
metallico, e limitandosi quasi
sempre all’uso di chitarra, basso,
batteria e voce, i Folge Dem Wind
cercano di andare oltre i recinti
del black metal tradizionale. La
band lavora su riff ora stridenti,
ora dissonanti e ora melodici che,
come schegge impazzite, ricordano
per diversi motivi Thorns, Abigor e
Rotting Christ, ma su ritmi più lenti
e diluiti, alternati a lunghe porzioni
atmosferiche strumentali. Le canzoni
sono mediamente lunghe e a volte
sembrano spingersi troppo lontano
senza una direzione ben precisa,
nonostante le grandi potenzialità
espresse in alcuni passaggi. Quando
i Folge Dem Wind riescono a far
quadrare le cose come in Through
The Eye Of The Immortal, Behind
The Grey Veil e Of Primordial
Whirlwind, i risultati però non si
fanno attendere. Inhale The Sacred
Poison è un disco di transizione, ma
abbastanza interessante per non
passare inosservato.
Alessio Oriani 6,5

FOLGE DEM WIND „Inhale The Sacred Poison“
Im Gegensatz zum deutschen Band-Namen stammt diese Black Metal-Band
aus Frankreich und legt zwölf Jahre nach ihrer Gründung das zweite Full-Length-
Album namens „Inhale The Sacred Poison“ vor. Als Genrebeschreibung wird
von Seiten des Labels „Animist Black Metal“ angegeben, was das Ganze besser
beschreibt, als Pagan Black Metal es jemals könnte. FOLGE DEM WIND nimmt
den Hörer mit auf eine spirituelle Reise und wandelt dabei auf rasenden, blackmetallischen
Pfaden, untermalt mit allerlei epischen Passagen. Die einzelnen
Stimmungen werden in jedweder Hinsicht perfekt dargestellt und atmosphärisch
aufgegriffen, so dass sowohl die tiefe Verzweiflung (‚Of Blood And Ether’) als
auch die rasende Wut (‚Inhale The Sacred Poison’) beinahe greifbar sind. An
der Produktion ist rein gar nichts auszusetzen, die Musik der Franzosen wird
optimal in Szene gesetzt, die einzelnen Elemente sind deutlich zu vernehmen, und alle Stücke haben die nötige Power, um zum Hörer vorzudringen. Sänger Kilvaras ist
stimmlich äußerst variabel unterwegs und schafft es, die durch die Saitenfraktion kreierten
Stimmungen auch gesanglich glaubhaft umzusetzen, so dass es eine wahre Freude ist, ihm
zu lauschen. Neben dem typischen Schwarzwurzel-Gekreische finden sich auch beinahe
klare Passagen und sogar gesprochene Abschnitte (‚Of Reptilian Fires’). Auf ‚Behind The
Grey Veil’ findet auch mal ein Sample seinen Raum, und auch hier gilt, dass jedes Stilmittel
seinen festen angestammten Platz hat. Die Kreation der Franzosen auf „Inhale The Sacred
Poison“ wirkt frisch und unverbraucht und zieht den Hörer auf Anhieb in ihren Bann. (WHO)
13 Punkte