Fool's Game - Reality Divine


Sep 30, 2005
Anyone else here a fan? I picked up thier disc a few months ago and was blown away. Everyone has Sinbreed and the next coming of Christ for power metal but I am putting my coins on Fool's Game. Great catchy heavy powet metal. It has members from Division, Pharoh, and Manticora. Below is a sample....great stuff. Not all the songs have the harsh vocals so power metal fans who cant deal with that style dont worry. I would love to see them live, I think the songs would be killer in a live atmosphere. Thier Cd is out and on Cruz Del Sur. Go get it.

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I've been wanting to get it, but I haven't been able to find it among the vendors at PP for the past two years. (I missed out two years ago when it sold out before I could get to it.)
Bought it at ProgPower. Very good stuff.

"Matt Johnsen of Pharoah" was offering to draw pentagrams on the front cover at one point. I didn't take him up on it. Yet. :heh:
The vocals here are killer.
The music has that modern prog-metal Never-chug that is hit or miss for me, though it certainly works well with the vocal style.