FOUND: leather vest with band-patches, kinda small


Tigron of Immanion
Feb 12, 2002
Atlanta, GA
My friend Ripper (the viking) recovered a leather vest with band-patches on it late on Friday night near the main bar in the venue. It's quite small, making me think it belongs to a (very cool) kid or maybe a petite female. There are autographs on the back as well as a hand-drawn band logo.
If you think it's yours, email me at the address below and we'll make arrangements for its return.

I posted about this on the PP Facebook group and also notified the venue, but I haven't been able to post this on the Forum until I got home. The message-entry window on my W7 machines kept reporting "your message is too short." Really weird. :(
I remember talking to Ripper about this on Saturday. He was really adamant about wanting to get the vest back to it's owner. I remember him saying that the large back patch on the back of the vest was signed so I'm sure it must be very personal/important to it's owner. I hope whoever owns it claims it, or maybe if someone here knows who it belongs to they will step forward.
* bump * again. Dangit, this is a nifty vest.

I made sure Chad from the venue had a description of the vest and my cell number in case the owner contacted Center Stage during or after the event...but no joy yet there, either. :cry:
Geez what a bummer the owner hasn't seen this yet. Must not be a forum member. Really hope they eventually get hooked back up with it.
* bump *

Esa, I considered posting a pic, but I figured it might be best to leave some of the details out so that the true owner -- or maybe his/her parents, since this really looks like it could be a kid's vest -- could positively identify it. There are some 'common' band patches on there...and some rare/unique stuff as well.
Take a picture of the front, and then they'll have to know what is on the back (I'm assuming there are patches on the back).
I take it this one's not it??

