FREE ALBUM (Death / Black)

Death To Music

Death To Music Prod.
Jan 11, 2007

The 1997 debut album of left-field metal project EWIGKEIT is being offered up free to download at DEATH TO MUSIC LIVES HERE

The debut album "Battle Furies" is the early and raw sound of Ewigkeit when the output was of a Balck / Death metal nature. It was originally released in 1997 - here are some of the reviews at the time ;

3/5 - KERRANG! (UK)
6.5/10 - ROCK HARD (Germany)
7/10 - HELL AWAITS (Spain)
79/100 - BURN! (Japan)
4/6 - METAL HAMMER (Greece)
70% - AARDSCHOK (Holland)

This is the first skirmish of "Death To Music productions" for 2007 (since James Fogarty of Ewigkeit burnt all his previous contracts and reclaimed the rights to everything he has previously written & recorded - see the video at YouTube - EWIGKEIT - Burn The Bastards and read the news story BLABBERMOUTH.NET - EWIGKEIT Mainman: 'I'm Sick Of The Way The Whole Arse-Kissing Music Industry Works' )

EWIGKEIT are currently working on the follow-up to2005/2006's "Conspiritus" (released via Earache Records) which should see the light of day sometime in late 2007 - and will be released exclusively via DEATH TO MUSIC LIVES HERE