Fuck the state of the union...

i mean, dont get me wrong, id love to have the government hand me a 1,400 dollar rifle and let me go ape shit on some 3rd world fuckers... but im too fucking lazy to leave my routine lifestyle for it.
i mean, dont get me wrong, id love to have the government hand me a 1,400 dollar rifle and let me go ape shit on some 3rd world fuckers... but im too fucking lazy to leave my routine lifestyle for it.

Yeah, except they are going to shoot back. or just strap on a bomb, that is the sucky part.

Meanwhile, you have " rules " and CNN following your every move. :err:
Ugh. Nevermind just sending willing young men and women out there to die needlessly, let's send thousands more who don't want to go! fuck yeah!
the only hope this country has is this man


or maybe this man

Yeah, except they are going to shoot back. or just strap on a bomb, that is the sucky part.

Meanwhile, you have " rules " and CNN following your every move. :err:

i know they shoot back, thats half the fun... the only thing is from what i hear of the millitary these days, you cant do shit without orders. In fact, correct me if im wrong but... someone who fought in Iraq said that the current rules of engagement is "return fire only if you or one of your group members is wounded" so you can be shot at, but you cannot return fire until you are hit" i dont understand. Id go in there, shoot a dozen armed towelheads and then get sent home for it... that would be my tour of duty.
<Still hasn't sent in his draft registration.

My excuse?

I don't have money for the stamp.

Hahahaha fucking win....I wish I would have thought of that shit, but I had my dad leaning over my shoulder when the damn thing came...

I really don't think this country would allow the draft to return, especially given how unpopular the current war is. However, if I'm wrong, some of you Europeans should expect a knock on your door reeeeal soon after the bill is passed.
You know what I find a bit funny?

The need for a passport to enter canada starting this summer coinciding with the impending 90,000 troops to send overseas...
Sending more troops was necessary to get us out of Iraq. That's the thing. If we don't send more, then this will pointlessly continue (as it already has) for way too long. The thing most people overlook is that we need to separate the Sunnis from the Shi'ites, or however the fuck you spell it, and once that is finished we can start to withdraw troops. The stupid fuckers have been having a religious war since middle 1000's and it's not going to stop. If we do separate them for awhile, it will give us time to pack up our shit and get out. Then, they suck each other's cocks for as long as they like. We just need to make sure that we're safe before we start to pull out. Also, we took a very powerful leader from his position and he's now dead. Had we not done that the threat for nuclear warfare would have been extremely high. And, don't tell me that you think that Saddam wasn't planning to use some form of nuclear power against us, because I'm sure he was.
And, don't tell me that you think that Saddam wasn't planning to use some form of nuclear power against us, because I'm sure he was.

WOW! Thats all I ever needed to hear! Aren't you fucking something!

Seriously, we coulda pulled out several times, but we chose not to, and now we're in for the long run.

Next stop: Iran.
Iran is closer to nuclear weaponry than Saddam ever was, in all seriousness. They might get the weapons, but the U.S. has troops on both sides of Iran. If they were to bomb us, they'd be done, and they know it.

I say we find a reliable alternate fuel source, give it a while to stabilize, then say fuck it and just let the Middle Easterners blow up all the goddamn oil fields they want.

But then again, that plan doesn't require 91,000 troops, so it's out.
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Don't be surprised if females are called up as well...

It probably wouldn't work, since most American girls get knocked up before they're 25 anyway, and if they aren't knocked up, they'll get knocked up so they don't have to go. It'll be another baby boom.

It's not gonna happen, though...none of it. I didn't see the speech, but the last I heard was 21,000, not 91,000 troops. Is this true?

It's no picnic over there, believe me. The ROE is really fucked up too...this war is all political. If it weren't, we would've slayed everything that was moving, killed Saddam, and then moved back home. War is too entertaining now, so we have to worry about what people think. If you're worried about what people think, you shouldn't start a war.

It's a catch-22, it always has been. The presidency has admitted that they fucked up, but they have to send more people to their deaths to make it right. If they don't, it will get worse in the long run.

However, although many republicans are a bunch of mouth breathers, at least they have a plan. The democrats don't know whether to shit or go blind, and so they revert back to the old habit of denying the opposite side's plans just for spite. They don't have a plan and never will...as long as they aren't affected or losing money from their bank accounts, they don't give a fuck. I still refuse to vote for the least worst of. I'm curious how things will change if Hillary gets elected...part scared, part curious. Not a huge Clinton fan myself of either one, but I really can't see how much worse it could be with a woman running the country. The men haven't done jack shit in about 50 years. Plus, it would be hysterical to see the Middle Eastern countries having to pander to a woman. I'd vote for her just for that.
It's not if someone is wounded, it's if you are fired upon first. But if you're fired upon first, someone will probably get wounded before you can return fire.
The bad part about ROE on the ground is that it changes with the situation. You can actually break the ROE and you probably won't get in too much trouble if what you did was a reaction to the situation. Of course, the military is not going to punish you for defending yourself.