full digital pack with digital albums coming?


Oct 20, 2008
Hell-ay, CA
i'm normally not a big fan of all the ipod brouhaha... i think theyre overpriced and overrated and steered clear of itunes well before any of that DRM shit started and ended. but, this MIGHT actually get me to start using it if its done right.

"Apple is working with the four largest record labels to stimulate digital sales of albums by bundling a new interactive booklet, sleeve notes and other interactive features with music downloads, in a move it hopes will change buying trends on its online iTunes store.

Apple is working with EMI, Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music Group, on a project the company has codenamed “Cocktail”, according to four people familiar with the situation.

The labels and Apple are working towards a September launch date for the project, which aims to boost interest in albums by bundling liner notes and video clips with the music.

“It’s all about re-creating the heyday of the album when you would sit around with your friends looking at the artwork, while you listened to the music,” said one executive familiar with the plans.

Apple wants to make bigger purchases more compelling by creating a new type of interactive album material, including photos, lyric sheets and liner notes that allow users to click through to items that they find most interesting. Consumers would be able to play songs directly from the interactive book without clicking back into Apple’s iTunes software, executives said."

full article here:

i think this is WAY too long in coming. i mean, how much extra file space would it take to have lyrics, credits and other things attached to the mp3? dont get me wrong, i'd still buy physical cds from my fav artists, but this is great for all the others.
It seems like an alright idea, but I'd rather just go out and buy an album since the quality of a CD is a lot better than that of an AAC file. The extra books AND the quality. That's just my opinion though - some people don't care about the sound compression and can't hear it so...