Full lenght album mastering! Paid Job!


Jun 23, 2009
Hey guise!

I recorded a album with my own band and now we are in search for a mastering studio which delivers us a great sound at a rate we can afford. I mixed a track and we wanna do a little shootout... Please feel free to download and post your mastering attempt. I´ll do a little blind test with my band and we´ll see who´s the best for us.

This is the song: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4195368/AmplifiedHateCenterfold210810.wav

It doesn´t have to be loud as fuck... Some dynamic shall retained^^

3 ... 2 ... 1 ... GO!
Here's a quick try. I added some mids and compressed the high-end a bit. I also raised that nice "boom" on the kick. The result feels more dull, but I cranked the volume high and it felt less harsh especially in the region above 3khz to about 10 khz. My concern is that as soon as I try to sweeten those cymbals, the mix start feeling dull and unclear. I suggest taking out a bit of highs around 6khz on the cymbals before shipping the mix to mastering. They will sound clearer and less painful after mastering. I'll try again tommorow with fresh ears and with the complete gear.

Oh wow! A lot of masters! Thank you guys! We´ve already listened to a few and I have to say you did a great work :worship:

To mister Genz: we do this shootout to see some differences between cheaper and more expensive mastering studios also. If the difference is so big enough we´ll sure dig a bit deeper in our pockets and send our mix to the more expensive one. It´s all about price - performance ratio.

@AerialThesis: Thank you for your suggestions. I´ll alter the mix as soon as we´ve made up our minds about which studio we take.

We´ll decide soon... I´m waiting for a few more masters.
Don't want to sound like a dick (and underrate fellow sneap member work) but why don't ask a ME for this (have Plec in mind for stay with Sneap member)?
Or a big production mixer/ME like James (Murphy) or Lasse (Lammert)?
Don't want to sound like a dick (and underrate fellow sneap member work) but why don't ask a ME for this (have Plec in mind for stay with Sneap member)?
Or a big production mixer/ME like James (Murphy) or Lasse (Lammert)?

Hey man!

I already asked Lasse, he´s doing a master and´ll send it via pm to me. Maybe I´ll ask James too. You´re welcome to send me your master as well if you want!

Greetings Chris