Give me your opinion please

Sounds fucking great dude! I love the guitars, they've got great low-mids, though perhaps just a bit "bloated" feeling, a slight cut at around 400Hz and a slight boost at 4k I think would do 'em some good. Also, the snare is a bit boxy, could use a cut at around 400 (again :D) and a bit more air/snap IMO. I dig the kick, and the cymbals sound really defined (though a bit loud), and all I can hear with the toms is attack, no "DOOOOOM". Oooh, acoustics sound beautiful, well done! Oooh, and I love the bass too

So overall opinion = :headbang:
overall this is a great sounding mix to me, sounds very natural. cool riffs too.

i can't really think of anything i would change. maybe scoop out some mids in the distorted guitar around 500hz -3db.

edit: looks like you beat me to it marcus about scooping the mids of the gee-tars!
Thanks Mataltastic! really apreciated! yes the toms are only attack...not to much body, becouse my drummer like it as they are...
I try to cut some 400 hz from snare and guitars.....
hahah, yes i know that....but I think that my drummer will put a drum stick in my ass if I try to make that toms sound boooooommmm..........but I'll try to do a blind test
+1 on the 4khz boost.

I don't think the guitars need any cutting. Great definition btw.

I would get more snap on the drums though. The snare has a great bottom, but it needs more THWACK!

What did you use for guitars? What your recording environment like?
Thanks a lot guys, for guitars I use this chain : jackson dinky usa with emg81-5150II green channel-mesa std 4x12-1 sm57 in the bottom left speaker- spl gold mike mk2-rme ff800
Yes The kick is triggered, but I like it, I don't want natural kick at all in this type of music.......
this is the setting of the 5150II if you are interested:
od 9, gain at 0 tone at 9:00 level at 15:00
Green channel : gain 8, Mid : 2,5 , Bass : 7, Treble : 7, Post : 4 , Presence and resonance at 7