GMD Poll: Fates Warning's Discography Ranked

#12 Darkness in a Different Light (2013)


Average points per vote: 2.17/12

HamburgerBoy said:
not actually bad but they lost their identity here, the opener is almost a winkwinknudgenudge to their 90s period but then it goes into one just-decent modern-proge rock song after the next, if Leprous performed this I wouldn't even bother, the only songs I know from memory are the bad ones, and Kneel and Obey is their worst song ever
#11 Fates Warning X (2004)


Average points per vote: 3.7/12

a few months ago I started going through assorted hair and butt metal CDs my dad owned that I hadn't rated on RYM, and over the course of that I had realized that this could have been a slightly more ambitious Flaw album, I still think a few songs are very good though, 6/10
#10 Theories of Flight (2016)


Average points per vote: 4.3

tightening their belt a bit relative to the preceding, two fewer songs and four minutes shorter seemed to go a ways, it's still a bit clinical and lacking the aesthetic focus of their first ten, and the mellow stuff doesn't grab me like I want it to, but the songs are mostly distinct writing-wise, 6/10

Looks like HamburgerBoy might get a lot of airtime in this poll, as no one else has ever said shit about these albums on this forum.
#8 Disconnected (2000)


Average points per vote:

getting really alt-metal/rock here but the writing and musicianship are still phenomenal, the electronic elements are better incorporated than anything OSI (or pretty much any metal band) has tried, has a giant oppressive urban dystopia feeling too, 9/10
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#7 Night on Bröcken (1984)


Average points per vote: 5.4/12

Fates Warning - Night on Brocken
This is great. Like a more straightforward Awaken the Guardian, with less of the mystical feel and fewer proggy touches. Also, less of those amazing vocal melodies. What that leaves is just old school heavy metal. Still awesome, just not absolutely jizzworthy.
#6 Parallels (1991)


Average points per vote: 6.22

First place votes: 1 (CiG)

i just started listening to a few power metal bands such as blind gaurdian, dragonforce, and lost horizon. its not enough for me to call myself a fan of the genre, but i like what i hear.


fates warning still fucking rule this thread

I'm gonna have to agree with that Parallels is pretty much perfect as is much of their work.
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#5 A Pleasant Shade of Grey (1997)


Average points per vote: 6.6/12

Fates Warning's A Pleasant Shade of Grey is one of the most boring things ever recorded to a disc.

-I can't help but like the bass lines on "A Pleasant Shade of Grey" by Fates Warning. They are very simple but fit the mood of the album perfectly and stand out well.
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#4 No Exit (1988)


Average points per vote: 8.1/12

First place votes: 1 (Slammed)

probably my least fav Fates album -- the band was in a transition... Ray Adler was trying to be John Arch & sing an octave too high... hooks are few & far between

I did check out the new version, but it did little to change my opinion.

I have No Exit on cassette. It's good if you can just take them as a different band without Arch. It doesn't come anywhere close to the first three albums, needless to say.
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#3 The Spectre Within (1985)


Average points per vote: 9.06/12

First place votes: 3 (Omni, Burkhard, HamburgerBoy)

The Spectre Within is awesome, especially the vocals

oh god how is the spectre within as good as it is, how can it be possible. the spectre within is so much better than all other power metal that it's just proposterous!
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#2 Perfect Symmetry (1989)


Average points per vote: 9.08/12

First place votes: 2 (Talos of Atamora, Oblivious Maximus)

I have been very much into Fates later work since Perfect Symmetry. I realize its not really for dedicated to the bone metalheads and takes a specific mood to appreaciate, still some really great work and I think unique sound.
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#1 Awaken the Guardian (1986)


Average points per vote: 9.9/12

First place votes: 2 (Slayed Necros, CrimsonFloyd)

Controversial? The only really special thing Fates Warning did was Awaken the Guardian. The debut is solid but not particularly impressive. No Exit was also solid, but again unimpressive and lacking the spark the first 3 had, being decidedly unmystical and severely lacking all forms of John Arch. Spectre Within is fucking good, but Awaken the Guardian is way ahead.

Awaken the Guardian is above criticism imo.

crimsonfloyd said:
Awaken the Guardian stands as arguably the strongest blend of power and progressive metal ever. The compositions are nuanced, with song structures that interweave many different progressions in unconventional patterns. Yet, it never feels like Fates Warning is wondering aimlessly. Despite their complexity, these songs have focus, direction, and cohesion. John Arch's nasal tenor soars above these complex works, offering catchy vocal lines that serve as an entry way into the compositions. The culminating product is a rich and fantastical journey that offers something new with every listen.
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Didn't expect to see Perfect Symmetry that high. Deserves it more than Awaken the Guardian. Oh well, lots of great albums. danke crim