Good mid/side mastering compressor?

To my knowledge Fabfilter make one, I've read nothing but good stuff about it

They have their official channel on youtube, where they've uploaded some pretty extensive videos

Brainworx have an entire pallete of mid/side processing tools (actually, I think that all their plugins have m/s processing), but not the compressor, just a mastering limiter.
Ozone does it... but I can't say I much care for anything other than the limiting in ozone.
Elysia Alpha. Bar-none. Well, for 2-BUSS duties anyhow. Amazing feature set and great sound...... the soft limit is great and the warmth can be cool if used sparingly
Elysia Alpha should be really cool. I haven't personally used the Fabfilter Pro-C, but I've got Pro-L and Pro-Q and they end up pretty much on every single album I master. Fantastic plugins. They're no magic bullets and you gotta know what you're doing with them, but I hardly think that's a problem for you Ermz :lol:
I'd be VERY cautious with mid/side compressing, even more than with EQ (which by definition will fuck up your phase). You could create two auxiliaries, one with your mono and one with your stereo, and then use any of your favorite plugin on whichever channel you want (for example I used this technique recently to add reverb to a snare at a mastering stage), then re combine the whole thing.
In the studio we have this (not mine, sadly)