Good news for Utah metal heads.

Good news for Utah metalheads, certainly. Bad news for me. I have a prior engagement that night that I can't get out of. So unless they take to the stage really really late, I'm up Shit Creek without a paddle. :(
well it has come and gone.... and it was indeed an amazing show!!! :yow:

Outside of the fact that the place was twice as hot inside than it was outside, due to haveing absolutly NO ventilation, it was a good time. It was great to meet the guys in Beyond the Embrace again, and see my man Shawn.

Sorry you didn't make it Luna, I got your email and saw your message on Utah we missed you my brotha'! I thought you might have made it seeing how the Iced Earth played unitl 12:45am. :ill:

I just heard there is another great metal show coming to Utah in July....a band from Seattle that are the forefathers of true metal.. and it is NOT Queensryche or Nevermore.... any clues to who it is? :D

Dustin said:
Sorry you didn't make it Luna, I got your email and saw your message on Utah we missed you my brotha'! I thought you might have made it seeing how the Iced Earth played unitl 12:45am. :ill:
...which was more or less exactly when I managed to arrive at the venue. People were coming out, and I was quietly muttering expletives under my breath. I turned around and drove off home. :puke:

Glad the show was good, though. What did they play? And how did Tim handle the older material?