google talk

brightkelly said:
Google finally has its own IM tool. I just installed it! anyways I like google much better than MSN :) I believe gtalk users will exceed msn users in a short time:)
You can download Google Talk from here

Mmm don't think it will exceed MSN Messenger Users. You see, MSN is installed on almost every computer and even comes with windows, not to mention that Hotmail is still extremely popular.
Google has blogger, gmail and now google talk and it works better with Firefox. MSN has messenger, space, and hotmail, but it doesn't support firefox. firefox is better than IE I think.
google should tap into msn's network like every other greedy im client does, and they'll totally steal msn's thunder. msn's client is the most horrible piece of fucking bloat i have ever seen, worse even than icq after it was bought by aol and inflated like a poisonous fish, ugh
brightkelly said:
Google finally has its own IM tool. I just installed it! anyways I like google much better than MSN :) I believe gtalk users will exceed msn users in a short time:)
You can download Google Talk from here

nothing will ever exceed msn users, cos 99% of all PC users are muppets and have never heard of any other instant messaging programs cos msn is the one that came with their pc
^^ that is actually very true!

but ive always had MSN and all of my m8s are on MSN so i dont see the point in changing. Gmail is in its infantcy so it isnt going to be that good at the moment and AOL AIM as well as anything to do with 'AOL' are shit. I am suprised yahoo havent tryed improving their service to the extent that MSN do. MSN release an upgrade once a year, and failing that, you do have MSN Messenger plus for the mentally inert OOOh Colours!
yahoo pool is shite, addictive.....but shite none the less

oh and the chatroom bit before u get into a game is full of teens trying to get cybersex
Tut Ankh Amon said:
hey, you people know there's like a 99% of google being recording all the conversation that goes through gtalk right?
isn't that kinda freaky? :lol:
wow, haven't thought about it. But I wish people remember me after I die :lol: