Got my Stephen Lynch tickets today


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
My wife Cindy, Chicken Killer, and Mrs. Chicken Killer will be partying in Little 5 points in Atlanta before the show next month if anyone else wants to join us.
Ahh, I didn't even know that he was coming...I'm going to try to make that show. He's hilarious.

Edit: Turns out it's the same night as Girl Talk...not sure which one I'm going to. I've seen Girl Talk before but his set was one of the most fun shows I've ever been to. I guess it all comes down to whether I have a fake ID by then or not (Girl Talk is 21+)

Edit number 2: Stephen Lynch starts at 8:30, Girl Talk starts at 11... I think I'll just go to both :headbang:
Hmm hadn't heard of him before. I haven't been to a 'comedy' show in a long time.

I couldn't find mention of the top on his Website, but did find the link on Variety playhouse.
Stephen Lynch is probably the top comedian on my list of Acts I Need to See. Perhaps one day I'll finally get to! The guy is a friggin genius. I catch myself humming bits of his songs at work sometimes too. lol
Stephen Lynch is a freakin' RIOT!!!! I've been a fan for years but never have gotten to see him live... He use to come on 98 Rock here YEARS ago and I picked up his demo, Half a Man with 5 tunes on it (Half a Man, A month Dead, Priest, Kill a Kitten and Mighty Hermaphrodite)... He's going to be here in DC while I'm down at ProgPower so another chance to rectify not seeing him is gone.. Oh I really love his Special Ed song...

If you can go see him, do it, you will laugh your ass off...
I've seen Lynch multiple times live, and it is a show you simply cannot miss. If you think his Comedy Central special and his albums are good, wait til you see him live. You won't stop laughing for 2 hours
saw him in boston last week....AWESOME show....didn't realize how good of a singer he was before, and his backup singers are really good, too. plus, i was laughing my balls off the majority of the time.