Guitar Rig 4 vs Overloud TH-1 Test


New Metal Member
Jun 14, 2009
After a long time away, my desire to make music has come back with a vengence.

My gear is not amazing, 'interface' is an IK Stealth Plug, guitar here is a stock Vintage V100 Lemon Drop (to think i once had two PRS's... ! good guitar though, needs new pickups for me) and Reaper.

This is just a few sketched out idea's I did one evening, originally in Guitar Rig 4, but after trying Overloud last night I've changed it over to that to see what it sounds like, to my ears a definite improvement but so far I'm using a stock patch (gasp!) and haven't had much time to tweak, but opinions would be great.

No where near as good as what most of you are putting out, but one day when my gear improves again!

Guitar Rig 4

Overloud TH-1

and a somewhat different 'mix'...

No idea what happened between the first and 2nd one, very late last night! anyway...
Yeah... I think just shoe-horing it into older tracks just isn't right. I got a far better sound from fresh recording, though i have changed my setup a tiny bit which might have helped. I'm just too tired to record anything properly yet!

Glad to know others are seeing it as their fave... it definitely sounds far superior to Guitar Rig anyway! Very excited about it, can't wait to sit down and figure it out.
There's too much low end in all of those clips. No offense to you, but you can get much better tones out of GR4, so keep working on it. At times the tone sounded nice, but it doesn't really work in a mix.
For me TH1 is far better than GR4 talking about sound.
Try all the free stuff man! It's great!! Lepou, Nick Crow, Onquel, AcmeBarGig, Aradaz, etc...