Gun Control


....and a bottle of grog
Nov 16, 2007
St. Pete/Florida
After another massacre in Finland, I think everyone should look at their own nations gun in the States it's the most easiest place to get any kind of weapon..that's how psychopath's go on a rampage...I think the only gun that should be legal is a hunting rifle, where you have to reload to fire the bullet. It gives time for the victim to respond. Also I think if someone wants to fire semi-automatics and handguns they should have a firing range where you can only shoot their and you can you have to leave the premises without the weapon.
Meh...I think it really depends. I think that if you want to buy a gun you should be required to take some sort of gun safety class and have every firearm registered. I know that some states do this but not all. I dont think that pistols should be allowed because they suck at long distances and are really only good for either self defense or for hunting humans. I own 1 gun and thats a shotgun, it stays at my house, locked up unless i go shooting.
i'm okay with handguns and rifles but as for semi-autos and automatic guns, no, they should not be given to the public. as for the suicidal massacre's, they're seriously pissing me off. its idiots like them that make the rest of the people lose rights. but even then, suicidal massacre's don't happen nearly as often as individual murders, most of which, the shooter uses an illegal gun bought off of the black market anyways so not to get caught (or atleast make it less likely). making them illegal won't stop these mindless killings, it will just take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens
While semi-auto's are nice and fun to shoot, i think that they need to be sold with more discretion to people. I know someone who just recently bought an AK-47 and he thinks hes rambo or something.
This shouldn't even be an issue. Persecute the criminals, not the gun manufacturers. The fact is that cleaning up all the illegal weaponry that's already circulated through criminal organizations or criminals in general is going to be impossible. Law-abiding citizens deserve the right to bear arms to defend themselves from criminals. If we let the government take away all the legally purchased handguns and such from law-abiding citizens, we're left with illegally purchased or stolen guns that can't be traced. Leave the gun laws as they are. There will always be crime.

I do, however, agree with forcing people to take tests and pass courses before purchasing certain firearms. It should be like driving a car. You pass the test, you get the gun. There should certainly be stipulations.
An alternative would be that if you're going to own a semi automatic weapon you should have to keep it in the place where you're going to use it,at the firing range ( if you want to use it anywhere else you shouldn't be allowed to have a weapon in the first place) where you're not allowed to leave with the weapon. You come there,they give you your gun,you shoot or whatever the hell you want to do there and then you return the gun and go home.
While semi-auto's are nice and fun to shoot, i think that they need to be sold with more discretion to people. I know someone who just recently bought an AK-47 and he thinks hes rambo or something.

that's kind of scary. i think you should only be able to own one if it's kept in a secure location (not your house) such as having a gun locker at a shooting range and you can't take it home. wtf would you do with an ak-47 anyways besides fuckin massacre people? a shotgun is good enough for self protection in my opinion
thats how i feel, I have my shotgun and only have five rounds for it right now, just in case...however, why one person needs a 7.62 chambered AK-47 with multiple thiry round clips full up is ridiculous, its basically a fuckin 308 round, you hunt with that, animals, not humans.
But remember, if guns kill people...pencils miss spell make people drive drunk and silverware made Rosie O' Donnell fat
Fuck gun control...if everybody in that school carried a gun they would have been able to shoot the guy before he did much damage. Problem solved.