Gus G and Ozzy thoughts

Firewind Wiki

Army of one
Feb 8, 2010
Now the artwork for Ozzy Osbournes new album Scream is revealed and Firewind there recording sessions on the new album are coming to a close, tour dates are being revealed. Including a 18 month world tour for Ozzy, this is wat bothers me how will FW tour if Gus is 18 months on tour with Ozzy i dont know about you but i want to see FW live this year or at the start of the next year. and without paying a hell load of money for a Ozzy Osbourne ticket with FW as support act.
Mmmmmmm, this is a tricky one, I'm not gonna say too much but all support goes to Gus at this time........once the Ozzy tour is over the Firewind touring schedule will resume that's what Gus says in the Turkish mag interview.........the sooner the better though!! We just have to hold tight I'm afraid and bite the bullet on this one :)
yeah, I miss FW as hell. last time i saw them was 1 year ago. But yeah as Deb said: have to bite the bullet on this one.

(what I would do if i were Gus: do the fuckin' tour with ozzy, save as much money as possible to promote the new FW album as hell.
why promotion: goddamnit their CD's are fuckin amazing and i think that these days a band needs a big label or a lot of money to sparkle brighter then the others. because all of the bands that are promoted as hell are in my opinion not really good / not the music i love. Firewind as mainstream: hell no. what i'm talking about is giving them a jet-pack and jump 5 years in beeing discovered by the metal scene.) just my thought in this thing..
I predict that said 18 month tour will have breaks in between. Let's face it; Ozzy probably can't keep up the same kind of pace he was able to make 20 years ago. He's gonna need a break or two every now and again!! :lol:

During said breaks, Firewind will tour. Hell, maybe there would even be an Ozzy/Firewind tour. Gus sure would be tired as all hell after a while, but that's where I would come in!! :D I already have your guitar Gus. I'm ready to go. ;)
At the metal hammer awards they played a video of Ozzy promoting his new single then showed the new video. I've gotta say,the more I hear/see of this, the more excited I get about the Gus/Ozzy combination :)
So far the album's not bad. I'm 10 songs in and almost finished with it. I wish Gus had some creative input past guitar solos though. Stay tuned for an honest review that might have some bitchy moments later on. :p
Do you know, I just had to say that I am so pleased and relieved that things are working out for Gus playing with Ozzy and he seems to be managing to juggle things with Firewind too, everything seems to be going really well.......I read an interview yesterday with Zakk in UK's Power Play magazine where he says that Ozzy was looking for a full time guitarist because Zakk was juggling his duties with Ozzy and Black Label Society..........but then I thought hang on a minitue, Gus is juggling his duties with Ozzy and Firewind, so the situation with Gus is the same? Anyways, I am so happy things are going well for Gus and I hope it stays that way for the future too...........FIREWIND are still my favourite band and I want them to be around for many years to come!!!!

Good Luck guys with the new album, I am sure it will be your biggest success yet!

Good Luck Gus for your future projects with Ozzy and Firewind!

Hope to see Firewind back in the UK very soon!!!
Deb, I agree entirely! Plus, I've been trying to get my friends into Firewind for years, yesterday, one of them that'd have nothing to do with anything vaguely associated with power metal said to me 'what Gus does in Ozzy, does he do that in Firewind?' I answered yes... he's now going to check out Firewind. And knowing his tastes in guitar, that's another Firewind fan in the bag :D

As for back in the UK:
"There’s some off time in between Ozzy tours, so this is when Firewind will be able to play" Fingers crossed they get over here!!!!
yeah! And i'm jealous of you UK people, because UK is a country where metal bands like to play a little more often then in the rest of the EU. right?


Great, we've got another Firewind Fan in the bag! Yeey!!

Yeah, we are really lucky, sorry :) We are the home of Heavy Metal!!

We've been so lucky too that Firewind have honored us with their presence on many an occasion.......can't wait for them to come back soon!

Katie............ I hope they hurry up and make some plans for the UK as my diary is slowly filling up........:) you are planning to tour the US in November..........damn!

So what about October and December, I'm free most of October or December you can come to the UK then and do a tour right?

"Losing Faith"................:(
I'll be there too, I will try and get to as many locations as possible anyway depending on work/distance etc :)

I'm a bit disappointed but I do understand why they've gone for the US first though, they need to keep the momentum going now that Gus and Firewind are getting really well known in the US and from a marketing point of view I suppose they need to seize the moment...........I think the album will do really well over there.........they seem love Gus, he's winning them all over!! Can't understand why!!!! :lol:
I'll be there too, I will try and get to as many locations as possible anyway depending on work/distance etc :)

I'm a bit disappointed but I do understand why they've gone for the US first though, they need to keep the momentum going now that Gus and Firewind are getting really well known in the US and from a marketing point of view I suppose they need to seize the moment...........I think the album will do really well over there.........they seem love Gus, he's winning them all over!! Can't understand why!!!! :lol:

i'll be happy when i go to 1 of the gigs when i was just discovering Firewind they played in the venue next to where i live i found that out 2 days after i'm still pissed about that because if they play in the netherlands except that venue all places are at least 1 hour driving for me.

But i wouldn't be suppriced if they go to the US first, only i'm worried that some crazy Zakk fan does the same thing to Gus as happend to Dimebagg... Just kidding
i'll be happy when i go to 1 of the gigs when i was just discovering Firewind they played in the venue next to where i live i found that out 2 days after i'm still pissed about that because if they play in the netherlands except that venue all places are at least 1 hour driving for me.

But i wouldn't be suppriced if they go to the US first, only i'm worried that some crazy Zakk fan does the same thing to Gus as happend to Dimebagg... Just kidding

you missed them in 2 days? too bad. that's hard luck.
I hope that who ever is pissed that Zakk left and Gus replaced will want to have a fight with gus instead of popping him off - i'm pretty sure gus would beat the hell out of a person in a fight. "guitar to head-smash-combo" or something like that. hahaha!

edit: or a mad zakk fan would just troll the internet full about it.
I'll be there too, I will try and get to as many locations as possible anyway depending on work/distance etc :)

I'm a bit disappointed but I do understand why they've gone for the US first though, they need to keep the momentum going now that Gus and Firewind are getting really well known in the US and from a marketing point of view I suppose they need to seize the moment...........I think the album will do really well over there.........they seem love Gus, he's winning them all over!! Can't understand why!!!! :lol:

Hopefully I'll see you at least once then!!

Finally found time to watch that interview, 3 points:
1 - malaka!!! It amused me to see that, so many memories of hearing the Firewind boys shout that at each other.
2 - that woman is so annoying! Seriously, how long can you make a question, stop speaking, let him answer!
3 - the more I see, the more excited I get about the new album, and about Gus with Ozzy as well