

TP for my bunghole !!!
Nov 30, 2005
I killed my little dog two days ago in a rage, because she wouldn't stop crying and barking and it was late at night.she woke me up like 4 or 5 times .I tried feeding her, I even played with her but she wouldn't shut up.. I feel terrible after this, she was just a cub, like a month or so and I cant help it , I really feel miserable and the guilt grows stronger everyday. I'm not a bad person but I'm staring to think that I had become one already. What should I do?
Make your way to the top of the highest building possible and jump face first.

No joke.
Yeah, you're true, you are a bad person.You could simply free her somewhere that she could never come back if you were tired of her, but how the fuck you killed a dog?!! Seriously how did you kill her?
If i wanted someone to call me an asshole I'd rather just go and tell this to my worst enemy,I just wanted to share this believing that I'd get a psychological approach with you guys .
I'm not a troll you dipshit, I love animals that's why I'm feeling uneasy right now. I just held her snout so hard that she couldn't breathe, she died in a minute or two.
And yeah, anyone that kills anything that's smaller, and has no defense against said person, especially an animal, should kill themselves out of guilt. Or at least tell some vegans or something, make your death a little more interesting.
I dearly hope you have children, a boy and a girl. Then I hope that a deranged man breaks into your house, takes them out of their cribs and strangles one in each hand before your very eyes.
.. and he killed his turtle too:

"My turtle is not moving, eating or anything. She just stands still under a wooden house I built for her "

A pretty disturbing human being to even think of trolling about killing their dog, or actually doing it. Serial killer in the making.

It's an old turtle, now I know that it's hibernating...