Hammers Of Misfortune


Fretbuzz Virtuoso
Jul 12, 2002
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There's something really weird about this band. I have no idea how to categorize them... pretty unique in my opinion. I only have The Bastard but will get The August Engine in the next few days.
Opinions? I read that there's a link to the band Lord Weird Slough Feg (?), is that a similar style?
The Lord Weird Slough Feg has some of the same people in it and have some very good discs out....

FYI...There is no growling in any of the other releases....
Mike Scalzi (Slough Feg mastermind/guitarist/singer) sings and plays guitar on all HoM albums. John Cobbett (HoM mastermind/guitarist) used to play guitar in Slough Feg.
Check out Ludicra if you like HoM. It's John Cobetts black metal band. Good stuff.

Untrue about no other HoM having growling, btw. Maybe technically, but their demo EP done under the moniker Unholy Cadaver (self-titled) has growling. Perhaps more like what Ludicra is (but Ludicra has a female lead singer/screamer).
Check out Ludicra if you like HoM. It's John Cobetts black metal band. Good stuff.

Untrue about no other HoM having growling, btw. Maybe technically, but their demo EP done under the moniker Unholy Cadaver (self-titled) has growling. Perhaps more like what Ludicra is (but Ludicra has a female lead singer/screamer).

I wasn't thinking about the demo....

Thanks for clearing that up...

Both bands are real good!
I just got Slough Feg (minus the "Lord Weird") - Atavism. I'll let you know what I think. Also got Ludicra's Fex Urbis Lex Orbis (my suggestion was based on "Another Great Love Song"). I'll comment on that after a few listens, too.

BTW, if you like the female vox on the August Engine and Locust Years, (Jamie Myers), then check out Wolves in the Throne Room. Scratch that. Check out WITTR regardless!


Okay, after listening to Atavism, I can safely say that a fam of HoM's The Bastard will definitely enjoy it. Get it.

Edit 2:

Fex Urbis Lex Orbis kicks ass! :headbang:
I used to live in SF, from '97 - '00. I first got into black metal when I moved there, but it wasn't until after I moved (to Phoenix) that acts like Weakling, Ludicra, Hammers of Misfortune, Leviathan, Draugar, etc started appearing. or if they were around, they were so obscure that even the guy at Amoeba didn't talk them up and so I never heard about them. boo. :mad:

Lord Weird Slough Feg was around, though... oh and a Slayer cover band called Sleigher, they played their set dressed in Santa outfits. pretty hilarious.

np: And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts
Damn, The August Engine is f***** awesome! :) I love Cobbett' style

Yeah, it's really good. I like their most recent,Locust Years, too. They do a break down with a drum line that's pretty interesting.

BTW, Slough Feg - Atavism reminds me a lot of early, DiAnno years Maiden... good stuff.
Just yesterday I was trying to decide on a favourite album by this band. I ended up coming to the conclusion that each of their releases is weaker than the one before it. Unfortunate. But even The Locust Years is pretty good.

The Bastard is one of the best albums of the 21st century so far!
It has taken me years to come to this conclusion. I used to hate it, then found it merely acceptable, but with extensive repeat listens I truly find that there is no album quite like it. I know, I value different attributes in music than many people. What can ya do?
I certainly don't fault you! I like it a lot. A great concept album that you're correct in asserting that they never topped.

One of the most moving parts, gave me chills the first time I listened:

"And as I watch the slaughter
My kingdom swiftly ends
I recognize the slayers
They are my childhood friends"

Good stuff.
well, so now I own all three records and I have to say, The Locust Years owns. may be better than August Engine imo. Still don't have the Bastard original CD, that one seems to be pretty rare...

Also bought Fex Urbis Lex Orbis...I don't yet know what to think about it.
I still haven't heard any Slough Feg, so this is next on my list. thx for all suggestions.
I really dig the Ludicra. Fex Urbis... is good. Give Another Great Love Song a try, too.

Slough Feg - Atavism is worth getting.
Heralded art metal contingent HAMMERS OF MISFORTUNE has completed its new album, or more like two new albums that will be presented as one package. To be released as a double CD via Profound Lore Records late October (vinyl via 20 Buck Spin), the new HAMMERS release presents itself like, as the band say, a split with themselves.

With one album entitled "Fields" and the other album entitled "Church Of Broken Glass", both LPs, while joined at the spine, will be distinct from each other musically, conceptually, aesthetically, and even have different artwork and logos.

What will be HAMMERS' most challenging offerings yet, "Fields" and "Church Of Broken Glass" are unlike anything Hammers have presented before; both albums present a much more vintage sound, with the '70s prog-rock influence making its presence felt like never before, all while manifesting influences from classic rock to classic metal through a wide spectrum of ultra-progressive musical fervor.

Initially, "Fields" and "Church Of Broken Glass" were written specifically for the double LP format, a challenge in itself to fit the time constraints that a single LP can hold, and the different sound and approach mastermind John Cobbett took on creating the new albums was also because of the new members within the HAMMERS fold; namely new (male) vocalist/guitarist Patrick Goodwin and new (female) vocalist Jesse Quattro who bring a new voice to the HAMMERS sound. While Goodwin brings a more classic rock-like approach to the band than his predecessor (namely Mike Scalzi of SLOUGH FEG fame), Quattro comes in as the most prominent female HAMMERS vocalist yet.

"Church Of Broken Glass" track listing:

01. Almost (Left Without You)
02. Butchertown
03. The Gulls
04. Church Of Broken Glass
05. Train

"Fields" track listing:

1. The Fields Trilogy:
a) Agriculture
b) Fields
c) Motorcade
2. Rats Assembly
3. Always Looking Down
4. Too Soon


John Cobbett (guitars/vocals)
Sigrid Sheie (keyboards/vocals)
Patrick Goodwin (vocals/guitars)
Jesse Quattro (vocals)
Ron Nichols (bass)
Chewy (drums)
^ Cool news.

Only got The Locust Years but that is a mighty fine album. I haven't bothered looking through their old stuff due to pure laziness.
