Happy syttende mai Henrik Main!

:lol: Thanks a lot! I just returned from the May 17-parade, where all schools parade through the streets while singing along to the national hymns etc. The whole shebang started 10.30, and I only slept 4 hours tonight, so I was pretty damn sleepy after a whole night of russe-partying. The whole russ-thing is over later tonight, after the russ-parade (where the kids line up with water cannons and try to soak us with water).

Actually, there have been several Swedish bands playing in the parades today, as well as some Swedish pupils, so the brotherhood feeling is definitely alive ;)

Here are some pics from the 17. mai parades (there are parades in every city in Norway):




If/when I ever visit Norway, I shall eat lutefisk.

Happy... whatever this shindig is all about. :tickled:
I never watch Conan, fucker is on too late even for me. Actually I'm usually up around that time, but unwinding preparing for sleep.*

*jerking off preparing for the nightly cry.
lizard said:
Norwegian independence from the overbearing, tyrannical Swedes.

Haha, no, it's got nothing to do with that. It's the celebration of the day the Norwegian constitution was signed - the 17th of May, 1814. That's why we celebrate May 17 every year. However, May 17 2005 is a bit special, since it's 100 years since we gained our independence from Sweden.
I completely forgot today was your nasjonaldag... I wanted to celebrate :erk:

hopefully it's not too late to run down to the store and buy tiny Norwegian flags and aquavit