Hardcore/Metalcore band, HELP me make this vocalist sound good!


Apr 15, 2011
I recorded my friend's band last weekend and I just started trying to mix vox today and I'm having some trouble. Idk if it's his scream or what, but i can't get it to fit into the mix at all, let alone sound good. You guys have any idea what I could do? This is the first band I'm recording and I really want it to at least be halfway decent, but with the way these vox are sounds, it wont. Also, I know some of the vocals are off timing, I'll fix that later with editing but right now i need to get it to sound good. Another thing, the volume on the screams varies a LOT, should i compress it more to get rid of that or what? Anyways, thanks so much. Any tips on the mix in general are appreciated

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8879741/hh vox try.mp3
Back off on the 'verb and echo a bit, it kind of sounds like he's coming through a megaphone in the beginning. I'd try compressing his vocals and maybe even doubling them, bring up the high-end and cut out a little mid range.
Whoa. The vocals sound waaay over EQ'd or something. They absolutely no high-end, and it sounds like there's some nasty low end from the room that was captured in the recording.

Compress more if you have to, or just manually slice it and try and adjust the pieces individually if you have to. Then multi-band compress the low-mids, and add some highs via EQ.
The vocal just sounds over processed to me. You should be able to get about 80-90% of the way there with just compression if it was recorded properly. Then EQ lightly or in a careful way if needed as we are sensitive to the sound of a human voice, and will notice an odd frequency balance easier than with instruments. For metal, for me atleast, I hardly use any reverb on vocals unless it is for an effect.
yeah now the vocals are way too loud, turn them down a bit. and maybe a bit too much high end or something, i can't quite figure out exactly whats wrong with the vocals. i would just try experimenting with the eq until it sounds good to you, and always see what the band thinks too
Anyone? I can't seem to get it to sound "open" so to speak, as a whole. I feel like the guitars are just muffling the mix and I can't figure out why.