Hardcore...yay or nay?

LMAO!!! cool ..

that last major point that Mr PD made posted - December 17th, 2002 07:00 AM - was so damn convaluted i couldnt tell what he was arguing about any more .. it was almost like all the metal and hardcore kids had fucked off to the bar to get whatever drinks they wanted and left ol' PD stood on his own ranting to the tumbleweeds!!!

basically ..
metal = good
hardcore = good
some fans of both are dickheads
live with it!
for those who said they missed my point or I am ignorant, haha for the last 8 years hardcore has been a major part of my life sorry I am not ignorant about independent music, ps most grad students aren't uneducated either.

my point is simple to those who talk shit about hardcore list some shows you have been to or list some good hardcore bands, it seems those who are so pro-metal couldn't come up with any good bands or the ones who did list some bands put them in completly wrong genres showing just how ignorant you guys are about hardcore. DEP= noisecore hahaha right haha. Sorry I thought my point was simple and some what universal
I'm not sure who your post is referring to. For the record, I am pro-hardcore. However, you laugh at DEP being included in the hardcore genre. I realize they sound drastically different than traditional hardcore, but the term NOISECORE was invented to classify bands that incorporated hardcore, metal, punk, grind, etc. It's a post-hardcore term. In other words, DEP is as much related to hardcore as it is metal. Don't start sounding as elitist as the people that refuse to listen to hardcore. Other than that, you have some good points.
nevermind I give up on talking to you people on this site no one understands a damn thing I say, no fucking shit dep is related to hardcore they are tech as in" technical hardcore", fuck I know what noisecore is, my point is DEP are not noisecore I never said they were not related to hardcore, jesus read more closely. note I am note being elitist or directing my posts at any one person read the end of my longer post I try to clarify that I am using generalizations.
Originally posted by npearce
Is that all you can come up with??? You're not "disproving" anything. I can't even tell what point you're argueing anymore.:rolleyes:

I'll give you easy step-by-step directions.

Scroll to where the (my) original post that you quoted and responded with this in.

Scroll two responses above it, it should also be my post. That was my argument/response. I didn't feel like being redundant.
Originally posted by xjailbaitx
nevermind I give up on talking to you people on this site no one understands a damn thing I say, no fucking shit dep is related to hardcore they are tech as in" technical hardcore", fuck I know what noisecore is, my point is DEP are not noisecore I never said they were not related to hardcore, jesus read more closely. note I am note being elitist or directing my posts at any one person read the end of my longer post I try to clarify that I am using generalizations.

Dude, it's ok. I understood your posts... It's just some people actually lack reading comprehension. Nobody knows what my last argument that they only referred to by saying "what're you arguing about" lack the ability to realize that entire post was showing how Hardcore is NOT Metal and I said there is a thin line in between, but that doesn't make it metal.

Thank you, I think I've proven my point once and enough. I have no further need to post in this topic, those of you who fail to understand half of my arguments, take up reading, not just a general forum, but you know, something intellectual, such as "The Will to Power" by Friedrich Nietzsche, or more so at your "be staight out and more clear with typing" people, Dr. Suess should fit your needs.
hey prophesized .. so you reckon just name dropping someone makes you intellectual and clever enough to comment and to validate your arguements!?

since when did you ask "what do you people read that makes you clever and worthy of comment!?" .. that has nothing to do with it, i am sure there are probably plenty of dyslexic people out there who cant read hardly anything, who can still define the differences between bands as well as you seem to do ..

"Thank you, I think I've proven my point once and enough."
no, what you did was say "this is my thoughts on it, i am right, dont bother arguing" and then stuck with that all the way through .. it seems that it is in fact YOU who cannot enter into a proper debate about something ..
the reason we were saying that we didnt know or understand what you were actually arguing about anymore was because it was so lacking coherence that it become unworthy of actually reading ..

*paul sits back and waits to get slagged off!!

anyways, earlier on, you said you had never heard mastodon ..
and the courts laughed you out of their chambers!!!

seriously!? okay, i am sure there are plenty more bands you havent heard that are essential listening..

i am gonna go back to reading my calvin and hobbes cartoon books and STILL be more intellectual and knowledgeable than what you aspire to!
It does seem to be PD's only skill in this debate.That being name dropping.And half the bands he mentions are way off the fucking mark in the first place.In fact...his whole stance on this discussion is way off the fucking mark.
Luckily he seems to be done posting here. That means we have won. We are the victors!!!

Just a side note: If ProphesizedDoom is such a smart, well-read fellow, why does he use such shitty grammar?
I hate bands like DEP/converge being called "noisecore". DEP's music is very precise, it's not just walls of noise, although it may sound like that to those without much listening experience with those kind of bands.

Noisecore to me is basically music that is similar to noise artists (e.g. Merzbow, Hanatarash etc) but using guitars/drums etc, e.g. Gerogerigegege.
hey there phon1c .. cheers mate :) glad you enjoyed ..
erm, no actual lined up dates or anything ,, but we are hoping to sort out a proper full tour spring maybe ..

we've played london about 4 times though, always gone down really well, so maybe we might be able to sort out a one off down there when the opportunity comes up .. would be cool to get there again .. cheers for your support mate ..
Originally posted by npearce
Just a side note: If ProphesizedDoom is such a smart, well-read fellow, why does he use such shitty grammar?

Because you people(s) claim you can barely understand my arguments now, why should I express the extent of my verbosity if you can barley understand this?

Also you might say that last sentence was a "Run-On Sentence". Wrong, it's a Correlative Conjunction, as are many of my sentences in which people claim are "Run-On"...

Anyways I have no further need of justifying myself.
First of all . . . you have no idea what a correlative conjunction is. Do you? A correlative conjunction is either of a pair of conjunctions, such as either . . . or or both . . . and, that connect two parts of a sentence and are not used adjacent to each other. The second of the pair is always a coordinating conjunction. Therefore, a SENTENCE cannot be a coorelative conjunction, as you would have us believe. It looks like you have attempted to make some sort of compound sentence. Which would look like this:

Because you people(s) claim you can barely understand my arguments now, why should I express the extent of my verbosity, if you can barley understand this?

Even with the comma I added, the sentence is still poorly constructed. I give you credit for trying to fool us, though.

If you would like, I can go back through your other posts and correct them for you.
Actually a correlative conjuntion is also used with commas and as long as the sentence maintains a common idea, it's a sentence. thank you, please try owning me again.
Originally posted by npearce

Because you people(s) claim you can barely understand my arguments now, why should I express the extent of my verbosity, if you can barley understand this?

Also the second comma is not needed. Nice try though, i'll give you credit. And I'm sorry if I don't go through all my posts with Spell Check, I'm sometimes in a rush to do stuff.
I don't think you understand what you're saying. Of course a coorelative conjunction can be used with commas. However, your sentence didn't contain a coorelative conjuction. Go look this up in a grammar dictionary, if you don't believe me.

This is a sentence containing a coorelative conjunction:

Either ProphesizedDoom is too stupid to look up the definition of "coorelative conjunction" or he/she is satisfied with improper knowledge of English grammar.