Heat press machine recommendation?


New Metal Member
Nov 28, 2020
Calling out for vinyl job ideas on a heat press. The wife and I are new to the world of Cricut and have done a few small things, but she asks for a heat press (in lieu of the old iron).
We would probably only do fabric work, but some presses that can operate on rounded surfaces are also fascinated by the potential uses). We use them for fun and for family (not for income), so I don't want to go nuts. But I don't want to buy anything either, and then I'm left wishing we had more.

I ceck some heat press machines reviews and I can see that the Cricut Press 9x9 at Joann's is on sale. Not sure if that's enough, or if I'd regret that I didn't go for the 10x12. Or go for something like Ali Express/Banggood/GearBest, which is more commercial.
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