
Haha Andi!

I've checked out a few songs by them, including one that was posted by someone on this Forum I believe in the thread where we posted songs and rated them etc.

I've enjoyed what I've heard but haven't taken the time to explore them further yet.
I've heard the album Dust to Dust, but I haven't given it much time to sink in, the only song I remember is Lust For Life and I really like it. Also the song Virus, I like that one a lot too.
Checking them out when I come home. I'm currently on the bus home from my dad's after a terrific dinner together. I will post my opinion soon; although I've heard of them I just havn't had time to check it out or anything new recently, lol! ;-)
Yes indeed, I love Heavenly!

Dust to Dust is my favourite, Miracle is a classic :) Also love Virus, it's heavier but still has some amazing melodies.

Carpe Diem is a really great album also, but I think at times they overdid the Queen-copycat stuff.
I've been checking out some more and I quite enjoy it! LOVE the modulation in the chorus for the title track on "Carpe Diem". There aren't nearly enough power metal bands out there who appreciate the effect of a lovely key change!

And Colin: Yeah, I totally noticed the Queen rip-off stuff. It was pretty funny! Glad it's not only me who thought that!