Hello all!


New Metal Member
May 9, 2010
Hello all,

I have found this forum through one of my favourite bands, EVILE!!!

One of the best forums I have seen so far.
If anyone has time to check the following link, I appreciate it! Check this band from London www.myspace.com/collapseengland

Give me your views!

Hey man, I take it you're only here to promote your band ... but welcome to the forum!

As for the music, it's not bad. A bit too metalcore for me, and the vocals are way too Robb Flynn. Seriously man, the repetitions of 'tear this down' around the three minute mark of 'I Sacrifice' makes you sound like Machine Head/every other metalcore band :lol:
Hey man,thanks for your reply,in the end we never can please everyone isn't?but I appreciate your honesty and I have joined the forum to join discussions about evile and of course if that is cool with you I will also spread the word about my band Collapse.
Welcome, but if I could direct you to the intoduce yourself thread, you will get awesome replies there

Honestly, there is stuff about anal sex there, I thought I would forewarn you so that you don't look so surprised
